how to extract data from directory
조회 수: 37 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I have main directory and 20 sub directories in main directory. In each sub directories there are 4 files. Now, I would like to extract those 4 files from each sub directories in matlab files so that I can do manipulation for each file without doing manually. Is there any suggestion for this?
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
Walter Roberson
2017년 1월 4일
project_dir = pwd(); %or give a particular directory name
mainDirContents = dir(project_dir);
mainDirContents(~[MainDirContents.isdir]) = []; %remove non-folders
mask = ismember( {}, {'.', '..'} );
mainDirContents(mask) = []; %remove . and .. folders
num_subfolder = length(mainDirContents);
for subfold_idx= 1 : num_subfolder
this_folder = fullfile( project_dir, mainDirContents(subfold_idx).name );
fprintf('Now working with folder "%s"\n', this_folder );
at2Contents = dir( fullfile(this_folder, '*.AT2') );
num_at2 = length(at2Contents);
for at2idx = 1 : num_at2
this_at2 = fullfile( this_folder, at2Contents(at2idx).name );
now do something with the file whose complete name is given by this_at2
댓글 수: 7
Walter Roberson
2017년 1월 19일
Are your subdirectories numbered 1 to 22? Or do they have the names given? Those names include slashes, and slashes mark directory delimiters, so you cannot be directly using those names.
Walter Roberson
2017년 1월 19일
num = xlsread('NormalizationFactors.xls');
norm_factors = num(:,end);
subfolder_results = cell(num_subfolder, 1);
for subfold_idx = 1 : num_subfolder
subfolder_name = mainDirContents(subfold_idx).name;
this_folder = fullfile( project_dir, subfolder_name );
fprintf('Now working with folder "%s"\n', this_folder );
folder_id = sscanf(subfolder_name, '%d', 1);
this_norm_value = norm_factors(folder_id);
at2Contents = dir( fullfile(this_folder, '*.AT2') );
num_at2 = length(at2Contents);
each_file_results = cell(num_at2, 1);
for at2idx = 1 : num_at2
this_at2 = fullfile( this_folder, at2Contents(at2idx).name );
at2_content = ReadAT2File( this_at2 ); %might as well put it inside a function
each_file_results{at2idx} = this_norm_value * at2_content;
subfolder_results{subfold_idx} = each_file_results;
추가 답변 (1개)
Geoff Hayes
2017년 1월 3일
sam - use dir to get an array of the sub-directories (from the main directory). Then iterate over each element in this array using isdir to ensure that it is a directory. If so, then again use dir on this sub-directory to get an array of files within this sub-directory. Iterate over this array, and perform whatever manipulation that you need for the file depending upon its type. See Data Import and Export for details.
댓글 수: 6
Geoff Hayes
2017년 1월 4일
sam - as Walter has shown below, use a filter with dir to find all those files that have an extension of AT2.
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