how to adjust data in array?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Mudasir Ahmed
Mudasir Ahmed 2016년 12월 21일
댓글: Mudasir Ahmed 2016년 12월 22일
I have data in the array (array size is 12) which is divided into 5 groups as shown in attached picture. Now for e.g I want to cut and move data from group 4 position (10) to group 2 position (7+1) how I do it. this picking and dropping procedure is variable in each iteration. sometimes from one group to another. but for this example, I take the data from position 10 and move it to position 8.
10 1 2
12 2 3
13 3 4
14 5 6
17 7 8
11 8 9
1 10 11
2 12 13
3 14 15
7 16 17
8 7 8
11 1 2]
when I cut data from group 4 position (10) and past on (7+1) location then it overlaps on the group 3 data. I want to place this data on position (7+1) and After this adjustment, I need to start group 3 from position (9). how I cut and past the data by maintaining the array size same without effecting the values of groups. kindly help me I will be highly thankful to you
I need as following
10 1 2
12 2 3
13 3 4
14 5 6
17 7 8
11 8 9
1 10 11
7 16 17
2 12 13
3 14 15
8 7 8
11 1 2]
with best Regards
  댓글 수: 4
James Tursa
James Tursa 2016년 12월 21일
For this example, please post the desired result.
Mudasir Ahmed
Mudasir Ahmed 2016년 12월 21일
편집: Mudasir Ahmed 2016년 12월 21일
sir results will be like
10 1 2
12 2 3
13 3 4
14 5 6
17 7 8
11 8 9
1 10 11
7 16 17
2 12 13
3 14 15
8 7 8
11 1 2]

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채택된 답변

dpb 2016년 12월 21일
편집: dpb 2016년 12월 22일
>> i1=10;i2=8;
>> A=[A(1:i2-1,:); A(i1,:); A(i2:i1-1,:); A(i1+1:end,:)]
A =
10 1 2
12 2 3
13 3 4
14 5 6
17 7 8
11 8 9
1 10 11
7 16 17
2 12 13
3 14 15
8 7 8
11 1 2
>> length(A)
ans =
  댓글 수: 4
Mudasir Ahmed
Mudasir Ahmed 2016년 12월 22일
Thank you so much, sir. Now its perfectly working. :)
Mudasir Ahmed
Mudasir Ahmed 2016년 12월 22일
Dear sir,
I send you my project code in email. kindly look my code. the issue i face in it is the size of array. in last iteration, I need one imperialist having colonies I-clny=95.

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