nanmin.m % Has no license available

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Pascal Poncet
Pascal Poncet 2016년 12월 20일
댓글: Steven Lord 2016년 12월 20일
On Linux , wee have an error with Matlab 2016b
2016b >> which nanmin /sw/mathworks/matlab/r2016b/toolbox/stats/stats/nanmin.m % Has no license available
2016a >> which nanmin /sw/mathworks/matlab/r2016a/toolbox/stats/stats/nanmin.m
error message seems to bee irrelevant, as 2016b licenses is availabe .
"MATLAB" v36, vendor: MLM, expiry: 01-jan-0000 floating license
poncetp gnx10031 /dev/pts/64 (v35) (gnx6052/1705 5752), start Tue 12/20 16:02
License server status: 1705@gnx6053,1705@gnx6052,1705@gnx6051 License file(s) on gnx6053: /opt/licenses/mathworks/gnx6051.lic:
gnx6053: license server UP v11.13.1
gnx6052: license server UP (MASTER) v11.13.1
gnx6051: license server UP v11.13.1
Vendor daemon status (on gnx6052):
MLM: UP v11.13.1

답변 (3개)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2016년 12월 20일
편집: John D'Errico 2016년 12월 20일
This is apparently a site with multiple licenses, but not enough for how many MATLAB users.
But you cannot use a license from one release in a newer release. In general, toolboxes are specific to the version they were bought under.
So buy more licenses.
  댓글 수: 2
Pascal Poncet
Pascal Poncet 2016년 12월 20일
I have 2016b licenses , I use 2016b release why should I buy more licenses ?
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2016년 12월 20일
Let's say a two adult family (two MATLAB users) owns one car (one license for MATLAB or a particular toolbox, Statistics Toolbox in this case.) One of the adults takes the car to drive to work (use the toolbox license) but the other adult also needs the car to drive somewhere else (also needs the toolbox license.) That second adult needs to find an alternate way to get where they're going. If this scenario occurs frequently, it may be time for that family to purchase a second car (buy another license for Statistics Toolbox.)
In this case, the other adult can find an alternative; as of release R2015a the min function that is part of MATLAB accepts flags to include or omit NaN values. (Riding a bike? Walking to where they're going? I'm not sure exactly what this would be in the family car metaphor.)

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Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2016년 12월 20일
nanmin is in Statistics Toolbox.
In R2016b you can get equivalent functionality in base matlab with min(...,'omitnan').

Pascal Poncet
Pascal Poncet 2016년 12월 20일
Solution was elsewhere , it is working now


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