i have a code that stack the 2d images into 3d array and save in volume.fib and its output is good but when i'm trying to put into function it show some error ?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
image = zeros(215,256,numberOfSlices);
for slice = 1 : numberOfSlices
dir_name='E:\BTN-7\final year project\regionbased_seg\complete project/edgedetection/prewitt';
thisSlice = double(imread(strcat(dir_name,num2str(slice),'.png')))/255;
image(:,:,slice) = thisSlice;
dimension = size(image);
image = reshape(image,dimension);
image = image(:,:,1:2:dimension(3));
image = image(:,1:2:dimension(2),:);
image = image(1:2:dimension(1),:,:);
dimension = size(image);
image = reshape(image,1,[]);
save wow.fib -v4
  • this is the code that is good and give correct output but*
function visulazition_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
image = zeros(215,256,numberOfSlices);
for slice = 1 : numberOfSlices
dir_name='E:\BTN-7\final year project\regionbased_seg\complete project/edgedetection/prewitt';
thisSlice = double(imread(strcat(dir_name,num2str(slice),'.png')))/255;
image(:,:,slice) = thisSlice;
dimension = size(image);
image = reshape(image,dimension);
image = image(:,:,1:2:dimension(3));
image = image(:,1:2:dimension(2),:);
image = image(1:2:dimension(1),:,:);
dimension = size(image);
image = reshape(image,1,[]);
save wow.fib -v4
This code when into function give me error at
dimension = size(image);
image = reshape(image,1,[]);
*warning message (these variables might be unused)
and output is not correctly save??*

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