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plot - strange behaviour for big numbers

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Grzegorz Knor
Grzegorz Knor 2016년 11월 10일
댓글: Grzegorz Knor 2016년 11월 14일
I've found a strange behavior of plot function in MATLAB 2015b (Windows 7). Namely this code:
produces line from 1e+19 to 100. But if I zoom it by dint of command:
xlim([0, 2])
ylim([-10, 110])
I obtain the following figure:
After changing y axis limits:
ylim([-10 1200])
Everything is OK:
I cannot (fortunately) reproduce it in MATLAB 2012b. Do you have any idea what happens?
  댓글 수: 3
Grzegorz Knor
Grzegorz Knor 2016년 11월 11일
Generally, I plot a data (with outliers like 1e+19), so to see an interesting region I use ylim command. I've noticed this strange behavior, when I used a function for conditionally colored line plot . The result was odd, and I found how to reporduce it, so this is an explanation of the simple code in my question :)
I will try use other render options as soon as I will have access to the MATLAB.
Grzegorz Knor
Grzegorz Knor 2016년 11월 14일
I've changed renderer from default opengl to painters and here is the result:

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