Apply a filter to an image

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Thomas Hoyle
Thomas Hoyle 2016년 10월 31일
댓글: Thomas Hoyle 2016년 11월 2일
Is there a way to apply a filter made using the filter design and analysis tool to an image or another way of creating a filter and then applying it to an image.
  댓글 수: 3
Chaya N
Chaya N 2016년 10월 31일
@Image Analyst: I think the "Filter Designer" app in the latest release was previously called the "Filter Design and Analysis Tool" ( fdatool) in the older versions.
Thomas Hoyle
Thomas Hoyle 2016년 11월 2일
I am using R2016a and on the apps tab under signal processing and communications is where I found Filter Design and Analysis Too

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답변 (2개)

Chaya N
Chaya N 2016년 10월 31일
편집: Chaya N 2016년 10월 31일
There are many ways available. The following is just a sample subset of functions to give you an idea: conv2 , filter2 , any among the list available under Image Filtering. You could treat any image as a 2D (or multi-D) array or vice versa. The filter object itself would depend on your purpose.

Thorsten 2016년 10월 31일

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