passing function handle to separate function m-file error

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
James506 2016년 10월 27일
댓글: Rogge Zheng 2020년 10월 4일
I have a function (function-1) which passes a function handle of the form:
fhandle = @fun; % step-1
to a function in a separate m-file (function-2). I invoke this function handle in function-2 using:
res = feval(fhandle, ...); % step-2
where the function in 'fhandle' is defined as a separate non-nested function within the function-2 m-file (function-2-1). However, this gives the following error:
"Undefined function 'fun' for input arguments of type 'double'."
I have also tried invoking the function handle directly, which also gives the same error:
res = fhandle(...); % step-2-v.2
This is odd, as if I go into function-2 in debug mode and re-enter the code in step-1 again, and then re-run step-2 and step-2-v.2, it seems to evaluate the function just fine. A work-around I have found is by defining the function handle as a string:
fhandle = 'fun'; % step-1-v.2
which seems to work fine. However, I have read that it is better practice to use the function handle form @, rather than passing a string. Could this be a bug or am I missing something?

채택된 답변

Jan 2016년 10월 27일
편집: Jan 2016년 10월 27일
Thjis is the expected behavior. "fhandle = @fun" runs inside the function 1. There the functions, which are defined inside function 2, are unknown and therefore @fun is invalid. Of course @fun is valid, when you run the debugger and are inside function 2 already.
Summary: You can create function handles only to functions, which are currently visible.
Solution: Use another method to tell function 2 which subfunction should be used:
function [out] = function2(Fcn, Data)
% Fun: String to specify the subfunction:
switch lower(Fcn)
case 'fcn1'
fhandle = @fcn1;
case 'fcn2'
fhandle = @fcn2;
error('Unknown function: %s', Fcn);
plot(1:10, fhandle(1:10));
function y = fcn1(x)
y = sin(x);
function y = fcn2(x)
y = cos(x);
Create M-files for the sub-functions. Then their handles are visible from anywhere.

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