How to export dates and data to database?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Matt 2016년 10월 21일
댓글: Brian 2023년 3월 16일
Hi I'm trying to export a table I've created in Matlab to an ODBC database. The table is set up with four columns (trade_date, ticker, curve_date, price). These columns are (datetime, char, datetime, double) datatypes, when i execute the command to write to my database (as i have before using only a table with all data being of type Double), i get the following:
conn = database.ODBCConnection('DBName','','');
colnames = {'trade_dt','ticker','curve_dt','price'};
datainsert(conn, 'matlab.tblFwds', colnames, t);
summary(t) gives me:
trade_dt: 110×1 datetime
min 19-Oct-2016
median 19-Oct-2016
max 19-Oct-2016
ticker: 110×21 char
curve_dt: 110×1 datetime
min 01-Nov-2016
median 16-May-2021
max 01-Dec-2025
price: 110×1 double
min 19.5
median 23.675
max 48.25
and the error i get when trying to insert into the database is:
Error using database.internal.utilities.DatabaseUtils.validateStruct (line 78)
Input structure, dataset or table incorrectly formatted. See help for details
Error in database.odbc.connection/insert (line 114)
data = database.internal.utilities.DatabaseUtils.validateStruct(data);
Error in database.odbc.connection/datainsert (line 40)
insert( connect,tableName,fieldNames,data );
Error in MorningstarHistoricalCurves (line 68)
datainsert(conn, 'matlab.tblGasFwds',colnames, t);
I would appreciate any help on how to insert this table/data into my database, any examples using dates would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  댓글 수: 3
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 10월 24일
Rikin Mehta, I recommend you make that comment into an Answer
Luu Pham
Luu Pham 2017년 4월 27일
It appears that these insert functions cannot handle any datatype other than double or cells. Is that correct? I'm working with a somewhat large data set and cast some of my variables as ints to conserve memory but I run into errors then I attempt to insert new records into my database.
Thanks in advance for the clarification.
Luu Pham

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채택된 답변

Rikin Mehta
Rikin Mehta 2016년 10월 25일
Hi Matt,
My name is Rikin Mehta. I am the developer working on the Database Toolbox with MathWorks.
Currently, Database Toolbox doesn't support datetime object with insert functionalities (i.e. INSERT/ FASTINSERT or DATAINSERT) for both JDBC and ODBC interface.
In order to insert columns containing datetime objects, you will need to manuallly type-cast the datetime object into date string using 'datestr(<your_datetime_object>,31)', before passing it to one of the insert functionalities.
Here is the documentation link with more details:
Apologies for this inconvenience. We will take a note of your inquiry and consider support for datetime objects in Database Toolbox for a future MATLAB release.
  댓글 수: 2
Matt 2016년 10월 25일
Thank you for your response, I'm really surprised that functionality does not exist being how often dates/times are used.
I look forward to that being implemented in a future release with how much easier datetimes have become with the new timetables.
Brian 2023년 3월 16일
Has this functionality been implemented yet? I've encountered this issue and have resorted to using an 'INSERT INTO' query with 'CAST(char(datetime('now')) AS datetime)' function instead of just being able to write a table that includes a datetime using sqlwrite.

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추가 답변 (1개)

Dauren 2019년 11월 7일
편집: Dauren 2019년 11월 7일
Hi Matt,
you may try to write your datetime as table in sql. But table will contain your dates as char variables.
%your datetime
%convert datetime to number and create sequence of dates
%convert dates to char variables
%Write results in table
%It is easier to write date in sql as table in Matlab
Then when you read the data from Sql you may convert char dates back to datetime
%Read data from sql
%remove curly brackets
%convert back to datetime
I hope that helps.
Good luck!

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