Still using a switch structure, now within a function. I keep getting an error message saying I don't have enough input arguments for (line 6).

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
function total_days = total(month,day,extra_day)
%CalenderCalculations.m this programm computes the total elapsed days in a
%year given the number (1-12) of the month, the day, and an indication of
%whether the year is a leap year
%Created on October 19, 2016 By C.Hickman
total_days = day;
k = 1: month-1
switch 'k'
total_days = total_days + 31;
total_days = total_days + 30;
case 2
total_days = total_days + 28 + extra_day;
month = input('Enter month (1-12):');
day = input('Enter day (1-31): ');
extra_day = input ('Enter 1 for leap year; 0 otherwise; ');
total_days = total(month,day,extra_day)

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 10월 19일
You should almost always switch() on an expression rather than a constant like 'k' (which is a character vector)
switch() applied on a vector will only work if the vector is a character vector (that is, a string)
You need a loop or something like that.
function total_days = total(month,day,extra_day)
total_days = total(month,day,extra_day)
that last line would be recursive call to the function you are in.
You need to move the prompts to a different file and run that file instead of trying to run total directly.

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