How to create a simulink signal read from csv file at run time

조회 수: 12 (최근 30일)
Ahmed Samy
Ahmed Samy 2016년 10월 15일
편집: Ahmed Samy 2016년 10월 15일
i have a QEMU ARM CPU running and toggle PIN (by GPIO Model) and dump the values at run time on a CSV File (Kindly note, tat the signal values is changing at runtime). So I need to make a simulink Model which is polling on this CSV File and read the (time/value) and genrate Matlab simulink signal to connect to scope as shown on the attached image
I dreaming to make like that but I don't know how to start

답변 (2개)

Muhammad Usman Saleem
Muhammad Usman Saleem 2016년 10월 15일
try this
mydata=csvread('yr csv file');
time=mydata(:,1); %assuming first column in csv file is time
amp=mydata(:,2) % assuming first column in csv file is amplitude corresponding to time
h=plot(time, amp);
now give this h to scope try this?

Ahmed Samy
Ahmed Samy 2016년 10월 15일
Thank you very much for trying to help me, but i need create a model on matlab simulink read any change happen on CSV File and generate a block signal with (time and value). So i don't have how the simulink model will sense any update at run time. as shown below
2.i tried to use "csvread" on matlab function simulink model but i got those errors


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