Controlling robot in gazebo with matlab

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
MOHD FARUQUI 2016년 10월 14일
답변: Swarooph 2016년 10월 14일
I am using ROS-Gazebo for simulation of robot. I am developing control program for the robot, as I am not very comfortable with Python and C++ I want to develop my program in MATLAB to control the robot in gazebo. Can someone help me on this. I was wondering if the control program on Matlab can run run on a windows machine and control the robot in other networked machine running gazebo on ubuntu. Thanks in advance.

답변 (1개)

Swarooph 2016년 10월 14일
You can do this with the Robotics System Toolbox. Take a look at these examples.


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