Simbiology: How to use a species calculated by a repeated rule in downstream reactions

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
I have a species that is calculated by a repeated assignment rule. I need to use this species as a reactant in a different (reversible) reaction elsewhere in the model, e.g:
B = repeated assignment rule
C = kf*A*B - kr*C
However, when simulating the model Simbiology throws an error that B is over determined because it's being varied elsewhere in the model.
Is it possible to use species calculated by rules in downstream reactions, or is there a different strategy for making this kind of species available for other calculations? (I'm guessing probably not due to the very nature of repeated assignment rules but hoping somebody has a clever hack!)
Thanks for any help.
(Simbiology Matlab R2016a, Windows 8.1 x64)

답변 (1개)

Arthur Goldsipe
Arthur Goldsipe 2016년 10월 12일
If you don't want a species to be modified by reactions that it participates in, you need to set the BoundaryCondition property to true. You can get more information about that here.


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