Can't find AC or DC source on Simulink

조회 수: 47 (최근 30일)
Gwendolyn  Ngai
Gwendolyn Ngai 2016년 10월 9일
답변: Gareth Lee 2016년 10월 10일
I just downloaded the Student 2016b and I can not find any electrical source in the Simulink library. Either I'm crazy or I didn't download the proper toolbox. If I search "voltage", "current", "AC" or "DC", nothing related will pop up. However, all the other regular tools seem to be there, making me believe I'm missing something. Help?

답변 (1개)

Gareth Lee
Gareth Lee 2016년 10월 10일
You can't find it if you search it in simulink start page. You can open a blank simulink file, then you can open the simulink library browser. Under the simulink library browser, you can find the AC and DC source. good luck!
the result is showed in the picture as below.


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