gamultiobj output function error

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Maximilian Ernst
Maximilian Ernst 2016년 8월 31일
편집: Modess Seyednezhad 2020년 5월 31일
I have a multiobjective opimization problem and want to solve it with gamultiobj. I want to save the optimized values of my objective functions after every iteration in an array. I found the example code for the output function here: . But when I apply the example code to my problem, like this:
function [history,searchdir] = runfmincon
FitnessFunction = @needfunction;
numberOfVariables = 8;
lb = zeros(1,8);
ub = [];
% Set up shared variables with OUTFUN
history.x = [];
history.fval = [];
searchdir = [];
options = gaoptimset('PlotFcns',@gaplotpareto,'UseParallel',true,'OutputFcns', @outfun,'PopulationSize',5);
xsol = gamultiobj(FitnessFunction,numberOfVariables,[],[],[],[],lb,[],options);
function stop = outfun(x,optimValues,state)
stop = false;
switch state
case 'init'
hold on
case 'iter'
% Concatenate current point and objective function
% value with history. x must be a row vector.
history.fval = [history.fval; optimValues.fval];
history.x = [history.x; x];
% Concatenate current search direction with
% searchdir.
searchdir = [searchdir;...
% Label points with iteration number and add title.
% Add .15 to x(1) to separate label from plotted 'o'
title('Sequence of Points Computed by fmincon');
case 'done'
hold off
I get the following error:
Error using runfmincon/outfun
Too many output arguments.
Error in gaoutput (line 39)
[state,optnew,changed] = feval(functions{i},options.OutputPlotFcnOptions,state,flag,args{i}{:});
Error in gamultiobjsolve (line 13)
[state,options] = gaoutput(FitnessFcn,options,state,currentState);
Error in gamultiobj (line 274)
[x,fval,exitFlag,output,population,scores] = gamultiobjsolve(FitnessFcn,nvars, ...
Error in runfmincon (line 16)
xsol = gamultiobj(FitnessFunction,numberOfVariables,[],[],[],[],lb,[],options);
It would be great, if someone could help me out

채택된 답변

Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2016년 9월 1일
The genetic algorithm has a different syntax for output functions than Optimization Toolbox functions. The syntax is described here. After you correct your syntax things will most likely work (I didn't check in detail, but everything else looks reasonable).
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
  댓글 수: 9
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2016년 9월 2일
You can get the entire population at each iteration from the state.Population field. You can then get the fitness function values by evaluating the fitness functions on the population. There is no other way, as I already told you: "If you want the fitness function of the population, I think that you need to calculate it yourself."
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
Maximilian Ernst
Maximilian Ernst 2016년 9월 2일
ok thank you very much

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추가 답변 (2개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 9월 1일
  댓글 수: 1
Maximilian Ernst
Maximilian Ernst 2016년 9월 1일
편집: Maximilian Ernst 2016년 9월 1일
Hi, I read your answer but I still don't know, what I did wrong. I am using a nested output function as you suggested. Actually I am using almost exactly the same code as in the mathworks example which link I posted in my question. The example works fine, so maybe it has something to do with the different solver? (I am using gamultiobj and not fmincon like in the example)

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Modess Seyednezhad
Modess Seyednezhad 2020년 5월 31일
편집: Modess Seyednezhad 2020년 5월 31일
I have the same issue. The syntaxt page was not useful for me. I could not find my error.
function [history,searchdir] = runmultiobjfunc
% Set up shared variables with OUTFUN
history.x = [];
history.fval = [];
searchdir = [];
% call optimization
nvar = 2;
Lb = [1, 3];
Ub = [19.2, 6.27];
options = optimoptions(@gamultiobj,'OutputFcn',@outfun,...
'Display','iter', 'MaxGenerations',200,'PopulationSize',50);
xsol = gamultiobj(@objfun,nvar,[],[],[],[],Lb,Ub,options);
% Set up output function
function stop = outfun(x,optimValues,state)
stop = false;
switch state
case 'init'
hold on
case 'iter'
% Concatenate current point and objective function
% value with history. x must be a row vector.
history.fval = [history.fval; optimValues.fval];
history.x = [history.x; x];
% Concatenate current search direction with searchdir.
searchdir = [searchdir;...
% Label points with iteration number and add title.
% Add .15 to x(1) to separate label from plotted 'o'
title('Sequence of Points Computed by gamultiobj');
case 'done'
hold off
The error is:
Error using runmultiobjfunc/outfun
Too many output arguments.
Error in gaoutput (line 39)
[state,optnew,changed] = feval(functions{i},options.OutputPlotFcnOptions,state,flag,args{i}{:});
Error in gamultiobjsolve (line 13)
[state,options] = gaoutput(FitnessFcn,options,state,currentState);
Error in gamultiobj (line 303)
[x,fval,exitFlag,output,population,scores] = gamultiobjsolve(FitnessFcn,nvars, ...
Error in runmultiobjfunc (line 15)
xsol = gamultiobj(@objfun,nvar,[],[],[],[],Lb,Ub,options);


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