How to...Matrix_1(Matrix_2)=another_Matrix
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
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I want to optimize the next process.

1) I have a matrix (2*N), which define, where I'll go from this state, where I got 1 or 2. For states on left side of the picture it is
NStates= 1 33 2 34 L K
2) Also I have vector (N*1) of decisions, am I going up or down dec = 1 2 1 1 2 ....
3) The last one - I want to get vector of next states - look at right side of picture. In MATLAB now I'm doing it with "for..."
clear all; clc; tr=poly2trellis(7,[171,133]); NStates==tr.nextStates; %(2*N matrix of next states) dec=randi([1,2],1,64); %(N*1 matrix of decisions Up or Down for j=1:64 A(j)=tr.nextStates(j,lin(j)); end
Can I do it in one string? In cicle it works too slow.
I'm sorry for my English, I hope you understood me :-)
답변 (2개)
Andrew Newell
2011년 3월 11일
If your question is just how to index tr.nextStates, you can do this:
A = tr.nextStates([(1:64)' dec']);
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