How can the default properties of a SimBiology model diagram be changed?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Colin Phipps
Colin Phipps 2016년 8월 25일
편집: Vijay 2016년 8월 26일
Is it possible to change the default properties of a SimBiology diagram? e.g. arrow widths, font size in blocks, etc.
Related: is it possible to change these properties in an existing diagram all at once?

답변 (1개)

Vijay 2016년 8월 26일
편집: Vijay 2016년 8월 26일
Hi Colin,
The default properties for blocks in a SimBiology Diagram can not be changed, but you can create your own block library and customize the appearance of blocks and use the blocks in the diagram.
To create your own block library:
1. Open MATLAB and SimBiology.
2. Click the Content button on the Address Bar and select the Libraries button.
3. In the list of Libraries double click Blocks
4. Add a name for the block Library.
5. Then click the Add Block button to add a block of a certain type. e.g. Compartment
6. Double click the compartment block and select the appearance tab in the resulting popup.
7. Here you can customize the properties of the compartment block.
8. To use your own block library with a diagram. Go to the diagram view, right click on the Block Library and select the name of the custom block library you just created.
9. You can now use these custom blocks instead of default SimBiology blocks . The block library is persistent on your machine and can be used across multiple SimBiology projects.
Unfortunately there is no good way to customize lines using the library. Although you can Right click a line and select Properties to edit its width and line color.
You can select multiple lines by holding down the Shift key and clicking on the line to include in the selection. Right click on the selection and click Properties... to edit the width and color for all the selected lines at once.
If you want to select all the lines of a type in the diagram. You can use the select menu on the Block toolstrip tab to select blocks or lines of a certain type.
Updating the appearance of blocks on an existing diagram can be done by similarly selecting blocks of a certain type and either clicking the Edit Properties button on the toolstrip (double clicking the selection or right clicking and selecting properties will also work). You can set the value for the property in the properties window and it will update it for all blocks in the selection.
Hope this helps.


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