FFT Analysis Tool in Powergui

조회 수: 177 (최근 30일)
Luke Perabo
Luke Perabo 2016년 8월 24일
댓글: Shweta 2025년 1월 12일
I want to use the powergui block for fft analysis.I am measuring three phase signals using a current measurement block connected to a scope. After running the simulation , the powergui's fft analysis does not display anything and the name and input fields display '-Empty-'. Can anyone please suggest a solution to this problem, urgently.
  댓글 수: 27
Mounir Benadja
Mounir Benadja 2022년 11월 15일
The Scope must be Configured with Structure With Time.
Thank You.
Shweta 2025년 1월 12일
Thank you it worked.

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채택된 답변

Pradipta Kumar Pal
Pradipta Kumar Pal 2019년 8월 16일
Reply from Shishir Dwivedi, IN MathWorks Support <support@mathworks.in>:
I understand that you are not able to view the logged signal names/values in Powergui FFT Analysis tool & are able to view the "Output" signal as defined in the scope block.
The reason for this is that, in the Model Configuration Parameters in "Data Import/Export" Section, the option "Single simulation output" has been selected, this parameter enforces Simulink to return simulation outputs within a single Simulink.SimulationOutput object [As the name is provided as "Out" here, hence all Simulation Outputs are contained in this variable].
If you deselect this option, and Simulate the model, you would be able to see "Output" signal in the MATLAB Workspace and the Powergui FFT Analysis tool will reflect the name/values of Signals as expected.
  댓글 수: 18
INEL Tech Centre
INEL Tech Centre 2022년 4월 14일
kindly help to resolve this error. what other settings need to be modified?
Muzammil Ahmed
Muzammil Ahmed 2024년 1월 7일
Thank You. It was useful.

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추가 답변 (6개)

Swarooph 2016년 8월 24일
편집: Swarooph 2016년 8월 24일
For the FFT analysis tool to pop up data names, you need to satisfy 2 things:
  1. You should have run the simulation
  2. MATLAB workspace should have a struct variable including time with the results of the simulation. (e.g. you can use the Scope blocks to log data into the workspace, note that this needs to be struct with time)
After you do 1 and 2, you should be able to see the names pop up in the FFT analysis tool. If you don't, try clicking the 'Refresh' button to see if that helps.

Aarti Srivastava
Aarti Srivastava 2018년 4월 17일

Make sure to go to the settings of Scope, Scope-> Settings -> History -> Save to workspace -> Name the desired variable -> change the format from 'Array' to 'Structure with Time' and run the program.

In the Powergui, open FFT tool, and select the signal using the name given earlier from the list of Available signals.

  댓글 수: 3
mohammad norshazwan
mohammad norshazwan 2021년 12월 20일
Thank you! Very useful and helpful for me. Appreciated it so much!
ZHIJUN LI 2022년 12월 4일
Thank you. it works!

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V Vaishnavi Kumar
V Vaishnavi Kumar 2018년 3월 8일
Observed similar thing. In addition to above steps mentioned, set the solver in block parameters of power gui to discrete and set sample time
  댓글 수: 2
inayat ali
inayat ali 2022년 8월 22일
I have a problem in matlab 2021a I have done FFT analysis but can not able to either edit the axes or save the result as the window tools bar(like edit , save, saveas etc) are not appear in fft screen So please help me if possible
chagamreddy venkata subba reddy
chagamreddy venkata subba reddy 2022년 9월 13일
i have also same problem. i am unable to open in property editor

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rajanand patnaik
rajanand patnaik 2018년 10월 1일
i want to check FFT analysis using simscape components, but by using powergui its not working can anyone suggest me an idea to check the FFT Will be appreciated.
  댓글 수: 3
Sukanta Roy
Sukanta Roy 2022년 7월 8일
Thanks a lot. This is helpful for me, where I was really lost why the dataset is inside that Out simulation output packet, and powergui FFT was having empty list. Thanks again.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022년 12월 12일

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Ameer Hamza Siddiqui
Ameer Hamza Siddiqui 2019년 5월 4일
yes this methodis not working
  댓글 수: 2
rakan albaz
rakan albaz 2020년 8월 1일
Reply from Shishir Dwivedi, IN MathWorks Support <support@mathworks.in>:
I understand that you are not able to view the logged signal names/values in Powergui FFT Analysis tool & are able to view the "Output" signal as defined in the scope block.
The reason for this is that, in the Model Configuration Parameters in "Data Import/Export" Section, the option "Single simulation output" has been selected, this parameter enforces Simulink to return simulation outputs within a single Simulink.SimulationOutput object [As the name is provided as "Out" here, hence all Simulation Outputs are contained in this variable].
If you deselect this option, and Simulate the model, you would be able to see "Output" signal in the MATLAB Workspace and the Powergui FFT Analysis tool will reflect the name/values of Signals as expected.
rajalakshmi D
rajalakshmi D 2021년 7월 26일
Yes . Click the model settings---- Configuration parameters settings in simulink page. Click data import / Export . Deselect single simulation output. Then run the simulation then proceed with power gui

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zeh essiane Raymond pavelli
zeh essiane Raymond pavelli 2023년 6월 9일
I have a question. I want to show in a same Time more than one scope in fft analysis. Hop i can do it ?


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