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In a cell how do I extract a specific range of values from a few columns that have a certain value in another column?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
I'm quite new to MATLAB so apologies if my question is a bit confusing.
I have a cell with subject names in the first column, time points in the second column and experiment values in the third column:
Bob 1 100
Bob 3 200
Bob 4 500
Bill 1 200
Bill 2 300
Bill 5 600
I want to create a struct with 2 fields using this cell; the first with the subjects name and the second field with a matrix that has the time and experiment values for that subject. For example, for the above cell I want it to make a 1x2 struct with 2 fields with the first entry being:
Name: 'Bob'
Values: [1,100 ; 3,200 ; 4,500]
And the seecond entry in the struct being:
Name: 'Bill'
Values: [1,200 ; 2,300 ; 5,600]

채택된 답변

Stephen23 2016년 8월 5일
편집: Stephen23 2016년 8월 5일
This method will correctly preserve the order of the input data:
C = {...
[uni,idx,idy] = unique(C(:,1),'stable');
mat = cell2mat(C(:,2:3));
[idy,idz] = sort(idy);
tmp = accumarray(idy,idz,[],@(r){mat(r,:)});
S = struct('name',uni,'values',tmp)
And checking:
for k = 1:numel(S) S(k).name S(k).values end
ans =
ans =
1 100
3 200
4 500
8 1000
ans =
ans =
1 200
2 300
5 600
ans =
ans =
2 900
9 0

추가 답변 (3개)

Guillaume 2016년 8월 5일
편집: Guillaume 2016년 8월 5일
If I understood correctly:
c ={'Bob', 1, 100; 'Bob', 3, 200; 'Bob', 4, 500; 'Bill', 1, 200; 'Bill', 2, 300; 'Bill', 5 , 600};
[names, ~, rows] = unique(c(:, 1));
allvalues = cell2mat(c(:, 2:end));
%%option 1: group using splitapply, R2015b or later
values = splitapply(@(row) {row}, allvalues, rows);
%%option 2: group using accumarray, any version
values = accumarray(rows, (1:size(c, 1))', [], @(row) {allvalues(row, :)});
s = struct('Names', names, 'Values', values)
The splitapply (requires R2015b or later) syntax is simpler as you need to subvert accumarray to make it work on several columns at once. On the other hand accumarray is probably faster as it's a compiled function whereas splitapply is a just a plain m file.
  댓글 수: 3
Guillaume 2016년 8월 5일
편집: Guillaume 2016년 8월 5일
Yes, accumarray does not preserve the order. In my limited testing, splitapply appears to, but it's not guaranteed by the function.
However, I assumed that the order of the entries did not matter (why should they?). If an ordering does matter, why should it be the order of the original cell array instead of a time ordering? The latter can be simply achieved with:
values = splitapply(@(row) {row}, allvalues, rows); %or using accumarray
values = cellfun(@sortrows, values, 'UniformOutput', false);
%... construct struct as normal
mdon 2016년 8월 5일
Thank you for the responses Guillaume and Stephen! Apologies for not being as clear in my question. Yes, I was hoping to have the order preserved and I unfortunately don't have MATLAB R2015b.
Some of the entries are actually not in a normal time sequence order (ie. it isn't always increasing) and thus I don't think a sorting would work for me. Thank you though!

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Thorsten 2016년 8월 5일
You can also achieve this without accumarray or splitat, using a for-loop.
c ={'Bob', 1, 100; 'Bob', 3, 200; 'Bob', 4, 500; 'Bill', 1, 200; 'Bill', 2, 300; 'Bill', 5 , 600};
[names, ~, rows] = unique(c(:, 1));
allvalues = cell2mat(c(:, 2:end));
for i = 1:numel(names)
S(i).name = names{i};
S(i).values = allvalues(strcmp(c(:,1), names{i}), :);

Bekay.Kang 2016년 8월 5일
편집: Guillaume 2016년 8월 5일
hello mdon.
hope this will be helpful for you !
  댓글 수: 2
Guillaume 2016년 8월 5일
I believe mdon wants all entries with the same name to be regrouped. The above won't do that.
mdon 2016년 8월 5일
Thank you for the answer Bekay. Yes, I was trying to keep the same name entries in a group. Sorry for the confusion!

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