The following script produces the result similar to the result produced by the Matlab embedded bilinear function:
function [Y] = trad_bil(I, ratio)
[h, w] = size(I);
H = (ratio * h);
W = (ratio * w);
Y = zeros(H,W);
hs = (h/H);
ws = (w/W);
for i=1:H
y = (hs * i) + (0.5 * (1 - 1/ratio));
for j=1:W
x = (ws * j) + (0.5 * (1 - 1/ratio));
%// Any values out of acceptable range
x(x < 1) = 1;
x(x > h - 0.001) = h - 0.001;
x1 = floor(x);
x2 = x1 + 1;
y(y < 1) = 1;
y(y > w - 0.001) = w - 0.001;
y1 = floor(y);
y2 = y1 + 1;
%// 4 Neighboring Pixels
NP1 = I(y1,x1);
NP2 = I(y1,x2);
NP3 = I(y2,x1);
NP4 = I(y2,x2);
%// 4 Pixels Weights
PW1 = (y2-y)*(x2-x);
PW2 = (y2-y)*(x-x1);
PW3 = (x2-x)*(y-y1);
PW4 = (y-y1)*(x-x1);
Y(i,j) = PW1 * NP1 + PW2 * NP2 + PW3 * NP3 + PW4 * NP4;