how to activate R2013b on ubuntu 16.04

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
ingstalam 2016년 7월 23일
댓글: Rodolfo Cavaliere da Rocha 2016년 10월 26일
What does the error 1-661qjd mean? how to resolve it? Ubuntu 16.04 doesn't have any files in /etc/udev/rules.d/ like the file named 70-persistent-net.rules. I gather there should be an eth0 interface. How to create one? I am new to linux environment.
Three NIC ethernet devices show in my computer: lo, eno1, wlp4s0. Which should i rename as eth0 and how to do that for ubuntu?
  댓글 수: 1
Rodolfo Cavaliere da Rocha
Rodolfo Cavaliere da Rocha 2016년 10월 26일
I found a workaround for R2011 to correctly install.
First of all, there is no file named 70-persistent-net.rules in Ubuntu 16.04, eth0 is the main Ethernet NIC. This thread helped me a lot:
You have to use the answer given by the user floorripper.
I hope it works for you too...

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