Drawing with mouse motion in a GUI-image

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
ImageProcNaive 2016년 7월 18일
댓글: ImageProcNaive 2016년 9월 3일
Hi, I want to draw a line in an image displayed in a GUI. Matlab has a good example which works great for an individual figure:
However, while running it from a callback function in the GUI, I am having issues:
  1. Defining handle for the image-axis is not allowed by WindowButtonDownFcn.
  2. I can use the handle of the GUI-figure (which is an alternative of the point above), but how do I extract the co-ordinates for later use?
Example code (Matlab)
function draw_lines
% Click the left mouse button to define a point
% Drag the mouse to draw a line to the next point and
% left click again
% Right click the mouse to stop drawing
ah = axes('DrawMode','fast');
axis ([1 10 1 10])
function wbdcb(src,evnt)
if strcmp(get(src,'SelectionType'),'normal')
[x,y,str] = disp_point(ah);
hl = line('XData',x,'YData',y,'Marker','.');
elseif strcmp(get(src,'SelectionType'),'alt')
[x,y,str] = disp_point(ah);
function wbmcb(src,evnt)
[xn,yn,str] = disp_point(ah);
xdat = [x,xn];
ydat = [y,yn];
function [x,y,str] = disp_point(ah)
cp = get(ah,'CurrentPoint');
x = cp(1,1);y = cp(1,2);
str = ['(',num2str(x,'%0.3g'),', ',num2str(y,'%0.3g'),')'];
  댓글 수: 2
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016년 7월 18일
Are you using GUIDE? Or are you trying to do it the hard way and define all the properties/settings and callbacks yourself?
And what's in the axes control? If there is something like an image you'll have to set a callback for the image since it lies on top of the axes, or else set the hittest for the image to be off.
ImageProcNaive 2016년 9월 3일
Yes, using GUIDE. Also, there will be an image displayed in the axes. I have to draw a line along an object displayed in the image. I will later measure the length of the line; but it's important to have the visual of a line.

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