How does the MATLAB calculate the arctan?

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
Vahid 2012년 2월 9일
편집: Marc 2013년 10월 7일
Hello all,
I have solved an initial value problem and I have gotten the following equation for that:
theta=(c_0/c_1)- (2/c_1)*atan( exp(-a*c_1*t)*tan((c_0-c_1*theta_0)/2) )
c_0=7*pi/6; c_1=0.3; a=0.055; theta_0=0;
I do expect the MATLAB returns theta=0 for t=0. In other words what I expect to see is:
because for t=0, the first equation can be simplified and as a result we have: theta=theta_0 : independent of c_0,c_1(~=0),and a.
but MATLAB returns something else:
I would be grateful if somebody could explain me how I can get what I expect to get?
thanks a lot, Vahid

채택된 답변

Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle 2012년 2월 9일
All inverse trigonometry functions return to a specific limited range, because trig functions are periodic. Hence, if x = 9*pi/2, then sin(x) will be 1, so asin(sin(x)) will be pi/2, not 9*pi/2. That's what's happening here -- atan returns values between -pi/2 and pi/2 (see doc atan):
(c_0-c_1*theta_0)/2 % ans = 1.8326 > pi/2
atan(tan((c_0-c_1*theta_0)/2)) + pi

추가 답변 (1개)

Wayne King
Wayne King 2012년 2월 9일
Why do you think it simplifies like that?
for t=0 and theta_0= 0, your expression evaluates to
(c_0/c_1)- (2/c_1)*atan(tan(c_0/2))
which is 20.9440
  댓글 수: 3
Vahid 2012년 2월 9일
Since we have: atan(tan(arg))=arg and because of that I think the answer should be
(c_0/c_1)- (2/c_1)*(c_0/2)
which is equal to 0!
Wayne King
Wayne King 2012년 2월 9일
Oh, I see :), yes, then what Matt said.

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