'FocusGainedCallback' doesn't work once figure has axes 2015b

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Daniel 2016년 5월 18일
댓글: Nikolaus Koopmann 2022년 6월 30일
I am using this article by Yair to add a 'FocusGainedCallback' onto a MATLAB figure.
The following code works correctly.
plotFigHandle = figure();
jFrame = get(plotFigHandle,'JavaFrame');
jAxis = jFrame.getAxisComponent;
set(jAxis.getComponent(0),'FocusGainedCallback', @(caller, event) disp('This works great'));
However, as soon as I add a MATLAB axis using the axes() command, the functionality stops working.
plotFigHandle = figure();
% adding axes will make this code not function
jFrame = get(plotFigHandle,'JavaFrame');
jAxis = jFrame.getAxisComponent;
set(jAxis.getComponent(0),'FocusGainedCallback', @(caller, event) disp('This works great'));
My question is how to I keep the FocusGainedCallback even after I add an axes to my MATLAB figure?

답변 (1개)

Arabarra 2017년 2월 16일
Hi Fabio, the code below (I've pasted it to the Yair's article you mention) did work for me in R2016b, but it's mainly created by trial and error. At least it works if a single axis is defined in the figure. In any case, if you have come across a better solution for the general case, please let me know.
hFig = figure;
h = axes(hFig);
jFig = get(hFig, 'JavaFrame');
jAxis = jFig.getAxisComponent;
n = jAxis.getComponentCount;
drawnow; % will not work without this
n = jAxis.getComponentCount;
set(jAxis.getComponent(n-1),'FocusGainedCallback',@(x,y)disp('in focus'));
set(jAxis.getComponent(n-1),'FocusLostCallback',@(x,y)disp('... out'));
  댓글 수: 2
Arabarra 2017년 3월 1일
damn... just saw that it only works when the figure gains focus through direct interaction with it. If you click on the axis, the figure does gain focus, but the callback doesn't get triggered.
Nikolaus Koopmann
Nikolaus Koopmann 2022년 6월 30일
nice, thanks 1billion!
this is exactly what i needed: a callback when the chosen tab in a tiled figures window changes! works like a charm!

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