add shapefile behind an Image
조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I have a India shapefile.I show it in matlab a=shaperead(file);s=mapshow(s);I want to show only upper portion of india behind an Image.But it is not coming.If it is possible.
채택된 답변
2016년 5월 6일
clc; clear all ;
file = '' ;
lon = ncread(file,'lon') ;
lat = ncread(file,'lat') ;
RF = ncread(file,'RF') ;
path = [pwd filesep 'India State wise with telangana' filesep 'india27-11.shp'] ;
S = shaperead(path) ;
n = length(S) ;
x = zeros(n,1) ; y =zeros(n,1) ;
pcolor(lon,lat,RF') ; shading interp ;
hold on
for i = 1:n
x = S(i).X ; y = S(i).Y ;
% rfi = interp2(lon,lat,RF',x,y) ;
댓글 수: 0
추가 답변 (1개)
2016년 5월 6일
편집: KSSV
2016년 5월 6일
will give you a structure. For your file (from the last question) has the following information:
Geometry: 'Polygon'
BoundingBox: [2x2 double]
X: [1x1198 double]
Y: [1x1198 double]
id: 24
State: 'Uttarakhand'
Area__sqkm: 53483
new: 1
Pick up the region (each state has different 'i'), and use plot(S(i).X,s(i).Y) on the plot you wanted.
And next question?
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