Running a batch process involving MatLab and Spotfire

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Michel 2016년 5월 2일
댓글: Gautam Mohan 2016년 5월 4일
How do I run a batch process involving MatLab and Spotfire? I.e. can MatLab call a Spotfire "executable" ("push approach") or can Spotfire call a MatLab "executable" ("pull" approach)
  댓글 수: 1
Gautam Mohan
Gautam Mohan 2016년 5월 4일
Hi Michel,
MATLAB can run external executables using the "!" operator. More information can be found here:
Furthermore, MATLAB can be called from the command prompt using the 'matlab' function. The documentation I am linking to is for calling it on a Windows machine, but the process is extremely similar for Mac and Linux platforms:
If you want to execute statements or a script in MATLAB from the command line, us the '-r' flag followed by a string of MATLAB code, and that code will be evaluated by MATLAB from the command line.
I hope this helps!

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