Creating specific matrix from other matrix?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
jack star
jack star 2016년 4월 24일
답변: Roger Stafford 2016년 4월 24일
Hi all. I have data matrix x(1x160) and It's columns contains 0 and 1 values. I want to create a matrix that shows whichs columns are 1.
For example, If x has 1 values on 6-15-20-22-30-90-112-155th columns,
created matrix should be = [6 15 20 22 30 90 112 155]
Do I need for loop for this?

채택된 답변

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford 2016년 4월 24일
x2 = find(x~=0);

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