Subscript indices error when not running a loop

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Vidhan Malik
Vidhan Malik 2016년 4월 15일
댓글: Vidhan Malik 2016년 4월 16일
Running this code and I don't have any loops or matrices so am really confused why I am getting the error
"Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals."
I tried debugging it to see if the error might be occurring due to the vpa solve function since there are actually two roots but I am only using the positive answer. So I replaced that line with R=1 and that error still remains.
clear; clc;
syms R
To7 = 1200;
To6 = 1800;
Ya = 1.4/0.4;
Ym = 1.35/0.35;
Yc = 1.3/0.3;
Rg = 0.287;
Qr = 45e3;
T32 = 276;
PrT = (To7/To6)^(Yc/0.92); %Step 1
PrC = 1/(0.97*0.99^3*PrT*0.975*0.98); %Step 2
To4 = 276*PrC^(1/(0.9*Ym)); %Step 3
To5 = 0.92*(To7 - To4) + To4; %Step 4
fostoic = 14/(1.5*(32+3.76*28));
fo = 0.9*fostoic; %Step 5
E = (1+R)*(Ym*Rg)*To5 + fo/(1+R)*Qr == (1+R+fo/(1+R) - 0.12*(1+R))*Yc*Rg*To6;
R = vpasolve(E,R,[0 Inf]); %Step 6
Wnet = (1+R+fo/(1+R) - 0.12*(1+R))*Yc*Rg*(To6-To7) - (1+R)*Ym*Rg(To4-T32);

채택된 답변

Ced 2016년 4월 15일
편집: Ced 2016년 4월 15일
You are missing a * (or some other operation) after Rg in the second to last row (where the error occurs). It should be
Wnet = (1+R+fo/(1+R) - 0.12*(1+R))*Yc*Rg*(To6-To7) - (1+R)*Ym*Rg*(To4-T32);
  댓글 수: 1
Vidhan Malik
Vidhan Malik 2016년 4월 16일
wow... can't believe I missed that. Thank you!

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