DSP first toolbox for matlab

조회 수: 14 (최근 30일)
lee 2012년 2월 2일
댓글: Walter Roberson 2024년 9월 6일
when i use zvect function to plot the vector in matlab, i receive this error:
>> z = -1 + 6*i
z =
-1.0000 + 6.0000i
>> zvect (z)
??? Error using ==> plot
Error in color/linetype argument
Error in ==> ZVECT at 77
h = plot(real([zFrom;zTo]), imag([zFrom;zTo]), linetype, real(tt), imag(tt),
linetype );
and a plot window pop up in blank means no vector appearance.
plz guide me how to resolve this issue. I am using Matlab 7.12.0 (R2011a)
function hv = zvect(zFrom, zTo, arg3, arg4)
%ZVECT Plot vectors in complex z-plane from zFrom to zTo
% usage: HV = zvect(zFrom, <zTo>, <LTYPE>, <SCALE>)
% Z: is a vector of compplex numbers; each one will be
% displayed as an arrow emanating from the origin.
% LTYPE: string containing any valid line type (see PLOT)
% SCALE: controls size of arrowhead (default = 1.0)
% (order of LTYPE and SCALE args doesn't matter)
% HV: output handle from graphics of vector plot
% ** With only one input vector: zvect(Z)
% displays Z as arrows emanating from the origin.
% ** If either zFrom or zTo is a scalar all vectors will
% start or end at that point.
% based on the MATLAB toolbox function COMPASS
zFrom = zFrom(:).';
scale = 1.0;
vv = version;
if( vv(1)=='5')
linetype = 'b-';
linetype = 'w:-'; %<--- WHITE is NOT good in v5
if( nargin==1 )
zTo = zFrom; zFrom = 0*zTo;
elseif( nargin == 2 )
if( isstr(zTo) )
linetype = zTo; zTo = zFrom; zFrom = 0*zTo;
elseif( isempty(zTo) )
zTo = zFrom; zFrom = 0*zTo;
elseif( length(zTo)==1 )
zTo = zTo*ones(size(zFrom));
elseif( nargin==3 )
if( isstr(arg3) ), linetype = arg3;
else, scale = arg3;
elseif( nargin == 4 )
if( isstr(arg3) ), linetype = arg3; scale = arg4;
else, scale = arg3; linetype = arg4;
zTo = zTo(:).';
jkl = find( ~isnan(zTo-zFrom) );
if( length(jkl)==0 ), error('cannot plot NaNs'), end
zTo = zTo(jkl);
zFrom = zFrom(jkl);
if( length(zFrom)==1 )
zFrom = zFrom*ones(size(zTo));
elseif( length(zTo)==1 )
zTo = zTo*ones(size(zFrom));
if length(zFrom) ~= length(zTo)
error('ZVECT: zFrom and zTo must be same length.');
tt = [zFrom,zTo];
[zmx,jkl] = max(abs(tt));
figsize = max(abs(tt-tt(jkl)));
arrow = scale*([-1; 0; -1] + sqrt(-1)*[1/4; 0; -1/4]);
dz = zTo - zFrom;
dzm = abs(dz);
zmax = max(dzm);
zscale = mean([zmax,figsize]);
scz = 0.11 + 0.77*(dzm/zscale - 1).^6;
tt = [ ones(3,1)*(zTo) + arrow*(scz.*dz) ];
next = lower(get(gca,'NextPlot')); %--Ver 4.1
isholdon = ishold; %--Ver 4.1
h = plot(real([zFrom;zTo]), imag([zFrom;zTo]), linetype,...
real(tt), imag(tt), linetype );
num_zzz = length(zFrom);
for kk = 1:num_zzz
kolor = get(h(kk),'color');
set(h(kk+num_zzz), 'color',kolor);
axis('equal'); %--Ver 4.1
if ~isholdon; %--Ver 4.1
set(gca,'NextPlot',next); %--Ver 4.1
end; %--Ver 4.1
if nargout > 0
hv = h;

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 2월 3일
Replace the 'w:-' with 'w:'
  댓글 수: 3
Marshall 2024년 9월 5일
편집: Marshall 2024년 9월 5일
I'm having the same issue, I made the change to 'w:' and now no errors pop up but still nothing gets plotted.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 9월 6일
If you run on MATLAB Online or MATLAB Answers, then the default background color for plotting is white, and using a white marker does not show up against a white background. You see results if you change it to something like 'r:'

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