Why can't MATLAB read my modified HDF5/.mat v7.3 file?

조회 수: 13 (최근 30일)
janolivero 2016년 3월 24일
답변: Dave Bergstein 2016년 4월 4일
From version 7.3, the .mat file format is supposed to be in binary HDF5 format, and should allow processing by the standard HDF5 tools that are around. I am trying to modify a .mat file using python library h5py. (I delete a dataset from the .mat file and recreate it with an additional dimension). If I try to open the modified file in MATLAB, I am getting a segmentation fault.
Is MATLAB really using standard HDF5 format, or does it require any hidden metadata, that I don't know of?

답변 (1개)

Dave Bergstein
Dave Bergstein 2016년 4월 4일
You might try using the MATLAB HDF5 interface. It gives you greater control for reading and writing HDF5: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/hdf5-files.html


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