Plot to axes from a simulink variable
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
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I'm trying to plot a variable from simulink in a axes GUI, and that what's happening:
I put the simulation running trought GUI with this command: [timeVector,stateVector,outputVector] = sim('Sistema_s_Atraso_SelfTuning',tempo_simulacao);
and when the simulation ends the ouput variable 'simout' to appear in my base worspace, due to that i can't plot the resulta in my GUI axes. I'm using a variable block in simulink, to get all the data to worspace. The only way that i found to get a variable in base workspace, is to run the simulation manualy in simulink.
what can i do to read the output variable and pot in a GUI axes?
댓글 수: 2
2012년 1월 30일
[I'm using a variable block in simulink]. What is "variable block" ?
Have you tried "ToWorkSpace" block?
You are runnung model manually or using "sim()" command, it dosn't make any difference in simulation output.
답변 (1개)
Kaustubha Govind
2012년 1월 31일
sim('Sistema_s_Atraso_SelfTuning',tempo_simulacao, 'DstWorkspace', 'current');
This ensures that all variables created by Simulink use the current workspace as the destination.
The command needs to be:
opts = simset('DstWorkspace', 'current');
sim('Sistema_s_Atraso_SelfTuning',tempo_simulacao, opts);
댓글 수: 5
Kaustubha Govind
2012년 2월 1일
You only need EITHER "opts = simset('DstWorkspace', 'current');" OR "simout = evalin('base', 'simout');" - not both. Using the first will cause an error in the second statement, because there is no simout variable created in the base workspace in that case.
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