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select data from a text file

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
UWM 2016년 3월 16일
댓글: UWM 2016년 3월 16일
Matlab users,
I have a question regarding selecting certain data from a text file. First of all I need to find all rows where the values in first and second columns are the same (measurement epoch). Then I have to calculate the arithmetic mean of the values in fourth, fifth and sixth columns (for the identified “the same” rows). Finally I want to save in the output file “age of observation: values from first and second column" and corresponding to them arithmetic mean. Below there is attached a small piece of the input file.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might be able to do this?
Many thanks!
0 50 1 -0.20 0.92 -1.95
0 55 1 -0.20 0.94 -1.97
1 0 1 -0.21 0.95 -2.00
1 5 1 -0.33 0.66 -1.86
1 10 1 -0.33 0.68 -1.88
1 15 1 -0.38 0.66 -1.98
1 20 1 -0.38 0.67 -2.00
1 25 1 -0.44 0.65 -2.13
1 30 1 -0.44 0.25 -1.51
1 35 1 -0.44 0.26 -1.52
1 40 1 -0.48 0.30 -1.69
1 45 1 -0.48 0.30 -1.70
1 50 1 -0.51 0.31 -1.79
1 55 1 -0.51 0.31 -1.79
2 0 1 -0.57 0.32 -1.96
2 5 1 -0.57 0.32 -1.95
2 10 1 -0.62 0.30 -2.04
2 15 1 -0.62 0.29 -2.03
1 50 2 -0.22 1.33 -2.61
1 55 2 -0.22 1.34 -2.64
2 0 2 -0.35 1.23 -2.81
2 5 2 -0.28 1.15 -2.50
2 10 2 -0.28 1.16 -2.52
2 15 2 -0.23 1.11 -2.29
2 20 2 -0.28 0.74 -1.85
2 25 2 -0.28 0.75 -1.86
2 30 2 -0.28 0.71 -1.81
2 35 2 -0.28 0.72 -1.82
2 40 2 -0.29 0.70 -1.83
2 45 2 -0.29 0.71 -1.83
2 50 2 -0.33 0.69 -1.91

채택된 답변

Guillaume 2016년 3월 16일
Reading the file is easy with dlmread or readtable.
For calculating the means of identical epoch, you can use the Split-Apply-Combine workflow introduced in R2015b, or unique with accumarray:
[epoch, ~, subs] = unique(m(:, [1 2]), 'rows'); %find unique epochs as rows of column 1 and 2
meancol5 = accumarray(subs, m(:, 5), [], @mean); %mean of column 5 by epoch
  댓글 수: 1
UWM 2016년 3월 16일
Thank you for help. It works perfectly.

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