I'm trying to split an 350x450x50 image into 350x400x10 and i'm getting the following error while saving the .tif file

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
>> I_d = double(imread('abcde.tif'));
>>b1 = I_d(:,:,1:10);
>>X = reshape(b1,size(b1,1)*size(b1,2),10);
>>[n m] = size(X);
>>AMean = mean(X);
>>AStd = std(X);
>>B = (X - repmat(AMean,[n 1])) ./ repmat(AStd,[n 1]);
>>[V D] = eig(cov(B));
>>cumsum(flipud(diag(D))) / sum(diag(D));
>>PC = B * V;
>>VReduced = V(:,3);
>>PCReduced = B * VReduced;
>>PCReduced * VReduced';
>>Z = ((PCReduced * VReduced') .* repmat(AStd,[n 1])) + repmat(AMean,[n 1]);
>> d = permute(reshape(X, 350, 10, 400), [1 3 2]);
>> e = permute(reshape(Z, 350, 10, 400), [1 3 2]);
>> X_1 = uint8(d);
>> Z_1 = uint8(e);
>> imwrite(X_1,'1-10.tif')
*Error using writetif (line 40)
Writing TIFFs with 10 components is not supported with IMWRITE. Use Tiff instead. Type "help Tiff" for more information.
Error in imwrite (line 472)
feval(fmt_s.write, data, map, filename, paramPairs{:});*

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 3월 9일
It is not possible to imwrite() TIFF with more than 3 channels. You need to use the Tiff() class and choose one of the several different ways that TIFF can store additional data.


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