Pie Chart Percentages Of Each Section

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Ogen 2016년 3월 7일
댓글: Ogen 2016년 3월 7일
Hello everyone I have plotted a pie chart of blast energy, thermal energy and nuclear radiation (see attachment). I want to display the percentage each specific section contributes to the overall energy (% each section of pie contributes to whole pie). Any help to edit the code to this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
if true
% code
kt = 'Please enter the yield in kilotonnes you wish to test: ';
kt = input(kt);
title('Graph to show Blast Engergy, Thermal Energy and Nuclear Radiation in KiloTonnes')
x = [Blastenergy, ThermalEnergy, NuclearRadiation];
labels = {'Blast Energy','Thermal Energy','Nuclear Radiation'};
view([-65, 35])
  댓글 수: 2
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2016년 3월 7일
Jack - there is no attachment. Once you have chosen the file, please press the Attach File button.
Ogen 2016년 3월 7일
Thanks Geoff, think its there now

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Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2016년 3월 7일
Jack - if you wish to include the pie char percentages for each slice (which will be fixed at 50, 35 and 15 with your above code), then you could do
labels = {sprintf('Blast Energy (%.02f%%)',Blastenergy/TotalEnergy*100),...
sprintf('Thermal Energy (%.02f%%)',ThermalEnergy/TotalEnergy*100),...
sprintf('Nuclear Radiation (%.02f%%)',NuclearRadiation/TotalEnergy*100)};
title('Graph to show Blast Engergy, Thermal Energy and Nuclear Radiation in KiloTonnes')
view([-65, 35])
Note that the title is called after we have created the figure. Try the above and see what happens!
  댓글 수: 5
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2016년 3월 7일
Jack - yes, subplot refers to the other axes within your figure. For example, suppose we run the above code and we want to put the pie chart in the left-most axes. Prior to calling pie3 we do
hLeftAxes = subplot(1,2,1);
title(hLeftAxes,'Graph to show Blast Energy, Thermal Energy and Nuclear Radiation in KiloTonnes');
view(hLeftAxes,[-65, 35]);
The call to subplot returns a handle to the axes. We then pass that handle into pie3 to ensure that the pie chart is drawn there. (Same for title and view - we pass the handle to the axes that we wish to update.)
Ogen 2016년 3월 7일
That's brilliant, thanks for your time

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