how would i track the speed of the centroid of the moving objects?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
function multiObjectTracking()
obj = setupSystemObjects();
tracks = initializeTracks(); % Create an empty array of tracks.
nextId = 1; % ID of the next track
while ~isDone(obj.reader)
frame = readFrame();
[centroids, bboxes, mask] = detectObjects(frame);
[assignments, unassignedTracks, unassignedDetections] = ...
function obj = setupSystemObjects()
obj.reader = vision.VideoFileReader('YourAVI.avi');
obj.videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Position', [20, 400, 700, 400]);
obj.maskPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Position', [740, 400, 700, 400]);
obj.detector = vision.ForegroundDetector('NumGaussians', 3, ...
'NumTrainingFrames', 40, 'MinimumBackgroundRatio', 0.7);
obj.blobAnalyser = vision.BlobAnalysis('BoundingBoxOutputPort', true, ...
'AreaOutputPort', true, 'CentroidOutputPort', true, ...
'MinimumBlobArea', 400);
function tracks = initializeTracks()
tracks = struct(...
'id', {}, ...
'bbox', {}, ...
'kalmanFilter', {}, ...
'age', {}, ...
'totalVisibleCount', {}, ...
'consecutiveInvisibleCount', {});
function frame = readFrame()
frame = obj.reader.step();
function [centroids, bboxes, mask] = detectObjects(frame)
mask = obj.detector.step(frame);
mask = imopen(mask, strel('rectangle', [3,3]));
mask = imclose(mask, strel('rectangle', [15, 15]));
mask = imfill(mask, 'holes');
[~, centroids, bboxes] = obj.blobAnalyser.step(mask);
function predictNewLocationsOfTracks()
for i = 1:length(tracks)
bbox = tracks(i).bbox;
predictedCentroid = predict(tracks(i).kalmanFilter);
predictedCentroid = int32(predictedCentroid) - bbox(3:4) / 2;
tracks(i).bbox = [predictedCentroid, bbox(3:4)];
function [assignments, unassignedTracks, unassignedDetections] = ...
nTracks = length(tracks);
nDetections = size(centroids, 1);
cost = zeros(nTracks, nDetections);
for i = 1:nTracks
cost(i, :) = distance(tracks(i).kalmanFilter, centroids);
costOfNonAssignment = 20;
[assignments, unassignedTracks, unassignedDetections] = ...
assignDetectionsToTracks(cost, costOfNonAssignment);
function updateAssignedTracks()
numAssignedTracks = size(assignments, 1);
for i = 1:numAssignedTracks
trackIdx = assignments(i, 1);
detectionIdx = assignments(i, 2);
centroid = centroids(detectionIdx, :);
bbox = bboxes(detectionIdx, :);
correct(tracks(trackIdx).kalmanFilter, centroid);
tracks(trackIdx).bbox = bbox;
tracks(trackIdx).age = tracks(trackIdx).age + 1;
tracks(trackIdx).totalVisibleCount = ...
tracks(trackIdx).totalVisibleCount + 1;
tracks(trackIdx).consecutiveInvisibleCount = 0;
function updateUnassignedTracks()
for i = 1:length(unassignedTracks)
ind = unassignedTracks(i);
tracks(ind).age = tracks(ind).age + 1;
tracks(ind).consecutiveInvisibleCount = ...
tracks(ind).consecutiveInvisibleCount + 1;
function deleteLostTracks()
if isempty(tracks)
invisibleForTooLong = 20;
ageThreshold = 8;
ages = [tracks(:).age];
totalVisibleCounts = [tracks(:).totalVisibleCount];
visibility = totalVisibleCounts ./ ages;
lostInds = (ages < ageThreshold & visibility < 0.6) | ...
[tracks(:).consecutiveInvisibleCount] >= invisibleForTooLong;
tracks = tracks(~lostInds);
function createNewTracks()
centroids = centroids(unassignedDetections, :);
bboxes = bboxes(unassignedDetections, :);
for i = 1:size(centroids, 1)
centroid = centroids(i,:);
bbox = bboxes(i, :);
kalmanFilter = configureKalmanFilter('ConstantVelocity', ...
centroid, [200, 50], [100, 25], 100);
newTrack = struct(...
'id', nextId, ...
'bbox', bbox, ...
'kalmanFilter', kalmanFilter, ...
'age', 1, ...
'totalVisibleCount', 1, ...
'consecutiveInvisibleCount', 0);
tracks(end + 1) = newTrack;
nextId = nextId + 1;
function displayTrackingResults()
frame = im2uint8(frame);
mask = uint8(repmat(mask, [1, 1, 3])) .* 255;
minVisibleCount = 8;
if ~isempty(tracks)
reliableTrackInds = ...
[tracks(:).totalVisibleCount] > minVisibleCount;
reliableTracks = tracks(reliableTrackInds);
if ~isempty(reliableTracks)
bboxes = cat(1, reliableTracks.bbox);
ids = int32([reliableTracks(:).id]);
labels = cellstr(int2str(ids'));
predictedTrackInds = ...
[reliableTracks(:).consecutiveInvisibleCount] > 0;
isPredicted = cell(size(labels));
isPredicted(predictedTrackInds) = {' predicted'};
labels = strcat(labels, isPredicted);
frame = insertObjectAnnotation(frame, 'rectangle', ...
bboxes, labels);
mask = insertObjectAnnotation(mask, 'rectangle', ...
bboxes, labels);
  댓글 수: 4
Benjamin Dempsey
Benjamin Dempsey 2016년 2월 24일
I have seen your tutorials on image processing where you plot the coins positions but im not sure how i could fit that into my code

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채택된 답변

Matthew Eicholtz
Matthew Eicholtz 2016년 4월 6일
If it is acceptable to compute velocities post hoc, I suggest the following edits to this code:
1. Add tracks as an output so you can process them from another script afterwards:
function tracks = multiObjectTracking()
2. In the initializeTracks() function, add a field in the tracks structure to store position over time (I suggest using an animatedline object). Also add a field to keep track of which tracks are active or not:
tracks = struct(...
'active',{}, ...
3. In the createNewTracks() function, instantiate an animated line when you create a new track and set the track to active:
newTrack = struct(...
'active',true, ...
'position',animatedline()); %you can add optional parameters to the animatedline here if you want
4. In the deleteLostTracks() function, instead of deleting tracks, simply set them to inactive:
lostInds = ...;
tracks = tracks(~lostInds);
lostInds = find(...);
for ii=1:length(lostInds)
tracks(lostInds(ii)).active = false;
5. In the displayTrackingResults() function, add a condition to the reliableTrackInds to check active state:
reliableTrackInds = ... & [tracks(:).active];
Then, add the centroid location to the animatedline object for each active track (I suggest after "mask = insertObjectAnnotation..."):
x = double(bboxes(:,1)+bboxes(:,3)/2);
y = double(bboxes(:,2)+bboxes(:,4)/2);
for ii=1:length(reliableTracks)
6. The last step is to make sure the function predictNewLocationsOfTracks(), detectionToTrackAssignment(), updateAssignedTracks(), and updateUnassignedTracks() ignore the inactive tracks. There are many potential ways to do this; I'll leave this part to you.
7. After the code has been edited, you should be able to run:
tracks = multiObjectTracking();
[x,y] = getpoints(tracks(4).position);
to get the centroid path for the 4th track, for example. The velocity can be computed easily enough with this information.
Hope this helps.
  댓글 수: 2
George Kouskoulis
George Kouskoulis 2016년 5월 17일
Matt, I do not know for Benjamin, but this helps me a lot!
If I understand this correctly, [x, y] is not the position of the centroid in the ground but the position of the centroid in the picture of each frame (e.g. [300, 100] is the specific pixel in the picture and not a point in the ground).
How could I transform pixel's position, that comes out from your code, to position on the ground of the specific centroid, in order to compute the velocity?
Thank you in advance
George Kouskoulis
George Kouskoulis 2016년 6월 2일
The conversion from pixel coordinates to ground coordinates could be done through camera calibration? Is there any other way?
Expect from the checkerboard method, how can I calibrate camera? My video covers a large area and I cannot find I huge checkerboard in order to place it the video area and do the camera calibration?

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추가 답변 (3개)

George Kouskoulis
George Kouskoulis 2016년 5월 17일
Matt, I do not know for Benjamin, but this helps me a lot!
If I understand this correctly, [x, y] is not the position of the centroid in the ground but the position of the centroid in the picture of each frame (e.g. [300, 100] is the specific pixel in the picture and not a point in the ground).
How could I transform pixel's position, that comes out from your code, to position on the ground of the specific centroid, in order to compute the velocity?
Thank you in advance!

Felix Parker
Felix Parker 2017년 1월 6일
Please let me know how to do the sixth step

olivia safitri
olivia safitri 2018년 5월 11일
Doses anyone have a solution how to solve the 6th step?


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