How to import video for further processing in Matlab mobile ( version 2015b)?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Prajacta Nagraj
Prajacta Nagraj 2016년 2월 22일
답변: Walter Roberson 2016년 2월 22일
Trying to import video(avi) using videofilereader from desktop to matlab mobile, also I have uploaded the matlab file and video on Matlab drive .

답변 (1개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 2월 22일
MATLAB Mobile cannot be used to transfer files, images, movies, or sounds, between the mobile device and the MATLAB session.
You can use MATLAB Mobile as a remote interface to command the MATLAB session to read a movie that it already has available to it.
I do not know about using MATLAB Mobile to display a movie.


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