lcd display with matlab simulink

조회 수: 22 (최근 30일)
klob 2012년 1월 22일
댓글: bharath H P 2021년 4월 17일
Hello everyone, I have a project in which i have to take the temperature of a sensor via arduino and make a fan spin accordingly. Even though i am new to the electronics i managed to do that. Now the final step is to display it in a lcd screen(display the temperature and the revolutions of the fan per minute,or at least one of these two).
Can someone help me please? I have an arduino uno board and a 2x16 lcd screens which has 4 bits for input.
Arduino has a library(liquid screen) and i managed to use the screen. But how can i do it in Matlab Matlab-Simulink?
Thanks in advance.

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012년 1월 23일

추가 답변 (1개)

phil 2013년 2월 6일
hey klob... i am currently doing the exact same thing. i have had partial success!...
google this: Writing a Simulink Device Driver block: a step by step guide
basically you can use external libraries in simulink. i used the liquidcrystal.h file from arduino to make it work.
So i can already drive the display with simulink but unfortunately I can not pass any strings to it...
please contact me if you have a solution ...or contact me if you are unclear about the drivers guide.
gl - phil
  댓글 수: 1
bharath H P
bharath H P 2021년 4월 17일
i have doubt in creating s function using LCD drivers
Please help with this

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