Matlab command window doesn't work

조회 수: 987 (최근 30일)
BerlinM 2016년 2월 5일
편집: Neal White 2023년 12월 4일
Hi, my Matlab Command window doesn't work. The two arrows right next to the fx are missing. If I type in something trivial like "a=3" nothing happens. I jump in to the next row but nothing happens. Please help me!
Here is a picture of what i mean.
  댓글 수: 13
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 8월 1일
As an experiment, what happens if you press control-C ?
Also, as an experiment, try using Folder View to change to a different directory, preferably a local directory on your hard drive.
Pavel Krupets
Pavel Krupets 2022년 11월 11일
same for me, command window sometimes doesn't work and text is typed into editor window.
clicking with mouse on command window doesn't help
sometimes pressing CTRL+C helps, sometimes it doesn't
sometimes clearning history in command window helps

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Emily Garvin
Emily Garvin 2018년 10월 10일
Hi. It sometimes simply happens to me when I forget to end a if/for/while statement. In this case I was unable to solve the problem by restarting the program. All I had to do was type "end" or type a closing bracket, even after reopening the program. :)
  댓글 수: 4
Rik 2020년 9월 18일
Comment posted as flag by Xianyao Liu:
You are right! Thx
Neal White
Neal White 2023년 12월 4일
편집: Neal White 2023년 12월 4일
I tried both 'end' and Ctrl+C (separately). Either solution fixes it for me.
FYI: This is the statement which triggers the problem. Notice that there is no if or while loop. The problem is the left bracket (which was an unoticed typo):
int32(2) - [int32(2.2)

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Senthil Vikram Vodapalli
Senthil Vikram Vodapalli 2020년 11월 27일
Try Ctrl + C, it worked for me
  댓글 수: 2
Rafael Maes
Rafael Maes 2022년 8월 16일
valeu, salvou o pai
Saikrishna Naidu
Saikrishna Naidu 2022년 9월 21일
thank you

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Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2016년 2월 5일
Show the lower-right corner of the Command Window. Does it say something like "Initializing" or "Busy" there?
If it shows "Initializing", how long has it been initializing? How long since you started MATLAB?
If it shows "Busy", MATLAB is running some code. Depending on what that code is doing, it may take a while and you won't be able to execute other commands while that code is running. You can type ahead but they won't get executed until MATLAB has finished its current work.
  댓글 수: 3
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2018년 1월 11일
If MATLAB is taking a long time to initialize and start up, try the steps in this Answer. If none of those resolve the problem, you should probably contact Technical Support using the Contact Us link in the upper-right corner of this page and work with the Support staff to diagnose why initialization is taking a long time.
David Esteban Garcia Veloza
David Esteban Garcia Veloza 2022년 12월 4일
@Steven Lord thanks my friend, you save my thesis

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Komal Gupta
Komal Gupta 2018년 10월 14일
Exactly the same happened with me...n i typed an end and its resolved works.

the cyclist
the cyclist 2016년 2월 5일
You aren't really giving us much info here besides the core problem. Has it been working, and suddenly stopped? Or is this the first time you've used MATLAB?
Have you tried the obvious things like restarting MATLAB? Restarting your computer?
Have you changed anything significant on your computer before/after this problem?
This seems like a problem we might struggle to diagnose with you. You might want to contact Mathwork support.
  댓글 수: 4
BerlinM 2016년 2월 5일
Yes, I found it in the preference directory and I removed it. But it didn't solve my problem.
shashank paunikar
shashank paunikar 2019년 4월 9일
may be its because of windows 10/8 issues.
Windows activation is required to solve the issue.
i have the activate windows problem 1 year of genuine term was over

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Eric Smith
Eric Smith 2018년 1월 11일
I had the same problem, but restarting the program worked for me. What was absent for me before when it wasn't working (and appears to be absent in yours) is the two right facing carrots on the command line. I've just started using the program but if someone with more experience could pinpoint why those might disappear, that would most likely fix the problem.

Eliot Mayer
Eliot Mayer 2018년 1월 23일
> ... What was absent for me before when it wasn't working (and appears to be absent in yours) is the two right facing carrots on the command line.
Sorry, I don't have an answer. I just want to report that I have been having the same problem lately with Matlab R2017b, running on Windows 7. I am not new to Matlab or R2017b, but the problem seems to be happening daily for the past few days. The problem is intermittent.
When the problem arises, I don't have that command prompt, and yet Matlab is not "dead". For example, I can still click on the tabs in the Editor window and view the code from the open functions. I can even edit and save those functions. I can undock and dock the Command Window (but the >> prompt is missing either way). I can type in the command window, but it dot respond.
The problem shows up when running my code. I can force Matlab to close. When I restart Matlab, I can run the same code without problem, so I don't suspect coding problems such as endless loops. Even if that was a problem, I would think the Pausing button would give back control, but it does not.
One clue: When I click the X to close Matlab, I get a message "An operation is in progress". I give it a chance to try to stop the operation, but that does not work. Then I click End Now. I just did this, re-started Matlab, and ran the same code that "got stuck". It ran normally again, completing in about 10 seconds.
  댓글 수: 5
Eliot Mayer
Eliot Mayer 2018년 10월 11일
Thanks, Walter. I have been procrastinating about updating Matlab but you just inspired me to do it.
Jesse Grooten
Jesse Grooten 2019년 2월 14일
편집: Jesse Grooten 2019년 2월 14일
I have the exact same problem using Matlab R2018b.
I can exec code just fine in the command window, when suddenly it stops working. The arrows next to the Fx dissapear and Run button greys out. I have the feeling I'm accidentally pressing a shortkey on my keyboard to turn it off, otherwise I have no idea why it keeps happening. I've used Matlab 3 times now and it's happened to me 3 times as well (every session once).
Restarting the program fixes the problem temporarily for me.
I do not use Microsoft One drive and the command prompt doesn't say initializing or busy either.
Emily Garvins answer worked for me.
"Hi. It sometimes simply happens to me when I forget to end a if/for/while statement. In this case I was unable to solve the problem by restarting the program. All I had to do was type "end" or type a closing bracket, even after reopening the program. :)"

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Jay Kirsch
Jay Kirsch 2021년 12월 20일
I am having the same problem, but...
Rebooting the laptop does not fix the problem. Nor does just restarting MATLAB.
Installing a newer MATLAB does not fix the problem! It suddenly started happening on 2020b, so I installed 2021b but that didn't resolve it.
Typing end or CTRL-C does not fix the problem.
I recently was having issues with MS Office, so I updated to O365. Is there some dependence on Excel???

Ilyes younsi
Ilyes younsi 2022년 1월 27일
I am new in Matlab. How open an example in Matlalb . Example
DDE with Constant Delays
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022년 9월 17일
At the top right of that example you can click on "Copy command", and then you paste the command at your MATLAB command prompt.
If you are using an earlier version of MATLAB, the exact wording might be a bit different.
If you are using a sufficiently early version of MATLAB, there might not be a quick way to copy the example.

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Muhammad Rezaul Hasan
Muhammad Rezaul Hasan 2022년 9월 17일
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Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2022년 9월 18일
In that case please contact Technical Support using the Contact Support link under the Get Support heading at the end of this page and work with the Support staff to determine why the MATLAB Command Window is not working on your computer.

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