How to discard all punctuation from a text file

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Fateme Jalali
Fateme Jalali 2016년 1월 18일
댓글: Image Analyst 2017년 9월 16일
Hello, I need a MATLAB code to discard all punctuation and signs from a text file.I want to keep only characters and numbers.Thanks.

채택된 답변

John BG
John BG 2016년 1월 19일
Star Stride is right but perhaps Fateme wants to keep the spaces, because space is not punctuation spaces will help reading the resulting string. The initial string
str1 = 'Hello, I need 1 MATLAB code to discard all punctuation, and signs from 9 text files.'
the characters that have to remain are
their respective positions within str1 are
mask=[ind_space ind_caps ind_chrs ind_nums]
now let's find the position of all punctuation characters
now num_str2 contains the positions of punctuation characters to remove
str3 contains the resulting string without any other character than alphabetical characters and numbers.
str3 =
Hello I need 1 MATLAB code to discard all punctuation and signs from 9 text files
Hope it helps in your reading.
  댓글 수: 1
Fateme Jalali
Fateme Jalali 2016년 1월 19일
thank you.After discarding all punctuation i want to put a white space before the first character and after the last one.How can i do it?thanks

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추가 답변 (3개)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2016년 1월 18일
편집: Star Strider 2016년 1월 19일
One possible approach:
str = 'Hello, I need 1 MATLAB code to discard all punctuation, and signs from 9 text files.';
Idx = regexp(str, '[^. , !]');
Result = str(Idx)
EDIT — To keep the spaces, just remove them from the regexp pattern string (in this instance, I was telling it to exclude spaces as well as the punctuation):
str = 'Hello, I need 1 MATLAB code to discard all punctuation, and signs from 9 text files.';
Idx = regexp(str, '[^.,!]');
Result = str(Idx)
Result =
Hello I need 1 MATLAB code to discard all punctuation and signs from 9 text files
You can add as many other punctuation or other characters as necessary between the square brackets ‘[]’, depending on what appears in your strings that you do not want in the result.
  댓글 수: 2
Mubashir 2017년 9월 16일
I want to use this in table. I can't remove punctuation's in whole column.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017년 9월 16일
So then go down the table's column one row at a time. What's wrong with that? It's easy.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 1월 19일
  댓글 수: 2
Fateme Jalali
Fateme Jalali 2016년 1월 19일
thank you.After discarding all punctuation i want to put a white space before the first character and after the last one.How can i do it?thanks
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 1월 19일
YourString = [' ' YourString ' '];

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016년 1월 19일
Yet another way:
str = 'Hello, ~!@#$^&*()_+.,<>;"?I need 1 MATLAB code to discard all punctuation, and signs from 9 text files.'
% Get logical index to keep space, numbers, and upper and lower case letters.
keeperIndexes = str == ' ' | (str>='0' & str<='9') | ...
(str>='a' & str<='z') | (str>='A' & str<='Z');
strOut = str(keeperIndexes) % Extract only those elements


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