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How i add a line in 2d plot

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Raja Emlik
Raja Emlik 2016년 1월 14일
편집: Thorsten 2016년 1월 21일
I'd like to add lines where the values of a(alpha) and b (beta) for which the max value is 4 and for which the max value is greater than 4 as shown by red dashed line and how i label them like in that box in the graph below.
My code
objfun file
function f = threestate2(x,a,b)
c1 =cos(x(1))*(cos(x(5))*(cos(x(9))+cos(x(11)))+cos(x(7))*(cos(x(9))-cos(x(11))))+ ...
c2=sin(x(1))*(sin(x(5))*(sin(x(9))*cos(x(2)+x(6)+x(10))+sin(x(11))*cos(x(2)+x(6)+x(12))) ...
+sin(x(7))*(sin(x(9))*cos(x(2)+x(8)+x(10))-sin(x(11))*cos(x(2)+x(8)+x(12))))+ ...
sin(x(3))*(sin(x(5))*(sin(x(9))*cos(x(4)+x(6)+x(10))-sin(x(11))*cos(x(4)+x(6)+x(12))) ...
f1=A1*c1 +A2*c2;
my main file
%x=[x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),x(6),x(7),x(8),x(9),x(10),x(11),x(12)]; % angles;
options = optimoptions(@fmincon,'TolX',10^-12,'MaxIter',1500,'MaxFunEvals',10^8,'Algorithm','sqp','TolFun',10^-8);
% b=sqrt(1-a.^2);
for k=1:30
for i=1:length(a)
if (bhelp>0 || bhelp==0)
grid on
ylabel('\fontname{Times New Roman} S_{max}(\Psi_{gs})')
xlabel('\fontname{Times New Roman}\alpha^2')

답변 (1개)

Thorsten 2016년 1월 18일
You can plot the horizontal line using
line([min(xlim) max(xlim)], [4 4], 'Color', 'r', 'LineStyle', '--')
If you have computed a and b, you can add the vertical line analogously using
for x = [a, b]; line([x x], [min(ylim) 4], 'Color', 'r', 'LineStyle', '--'); end
To add the text, use
ypos = -diff(ylim)/12; % 1/12 of the y size of the plot; adapt if necessary
for x = [a, b]; text(x, ypos, num2str(x), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); end
  댓글 수: 7
Raja Emlik
Raja Emlik 2016년 1월 20일
Hello thanks this the ww matrix it is 1*101
ww =
Columns 1 through 11
4.0000 3.9992 3.9968 3.9928 3.9872 3.9800 3.9712 3.9608 3.9488 3.9352 3.9200
Columns 12 through 22
3.9032 3.8848 3.8648 3.8432 3.8200 3.7952 3.7688 3.7408 3.7112 3.6800 3.6472
Columns 23 through 33
3.6128 3.5768 3.5392 3.5000 3.4592 3.4168 3.3728 3.3272 3.2800 3.2312 3.4300
Columns 34 through 44
3.5244 3.6175 3.7093 3.7999 3.8890 3.9767 4.0630 4.1477 4.2308 4.3123 4.3922
Columns 45 through 55
4.4703 4.5466 4.6210 4.6935 4.7641 4.8326 4.8990 4.9632 5.0252 5.0848 5.1421
Columns 56 through 66
5.1968 5.2491 5.2986 5.3455 5.3895 5.4306 5.4686 5.5036 5.5353 5.5636 5.5885
Columns 67 through 77
5.6097 5.6272 5.6408 5.6504 5.6557 5.6567 5.6530 5.6446 5.6312 5.6125 5.5883
Columns 78 through 88
5.5584 5.5223 5.4798 5.4306 5.3741 5.3100 5.2376 5.1565 5.0659 4.9651 4.8531
Columns 89 through 99
4.7289 4.5912 4.4384 4.2686 4.0793 3.8674 3.6284 3.3561 3.3728 3.5272 3.6832
Columns 100 through 101
3.8408 4.0000
Thorsten 2016년 1월 21일
편집: Thorsten 2016년 1월 21일
y = [4.0000 3.9992 3.9968 3.9928 3.9872 3.9800 3.9712 3.9608 3.9488 3.9352 3.9200...
3.9032 3.8848 3.8648 3.8432 3.8200 3.7952 3.7688 3.7408 3.7112 3.6800 3.6472...
3.6128 3.5768 3.5392 3.5000 3.4592 3.4168 3.3728 3.3272 3.2800 3.2312 3.4300...
3.5244 3.6175 3.7093 3.7999 3.8890 3.9767 4.0630 4.1477 4.2308 4.3123 4.3922...
4.4703 4.5466 4.6210 4.6935 4.7641 4.8326 4.8990 4.9632 5.0252 5.0848 5.1421...
5.1968 5.2491 5.2986 5.3455 5.3895 5.4306 5.4686 5.5036 5.5353 5.5636 5.5885...
5.6097 5.6272 5.6408 5.6504 5.6557 5.6567 5.6530 5.6446 5.6312 5.6125 5.5883...
5.5584 5.5223 5.4798 5.4306 5.3741 5.3100 5.2376 5.1565 5.0659 4.9651 4.8531...
4.7289 4.5912 4.4384 4.2686 4.0793 3.8674 3.6284 3.3561 3.3728 3.5272 3.6832...
3.8408 4.0000];
x = linspace(0,1,numel(y));
% find the zero crossings
yval = 4;
x0 = findzeros(x, y-yval);
alpha = x0(2:3); % exclude zero crossings at the begin and end
% do the plot
plot(x, y)
line([min(xlim) max(xlim)], [yval yval], 'Color', 'r', 'LineStyle', '--')
ypos = min(ylim)-diff(ylim)/20; % 1/12 of the y size of the plot; adapt if necessary
for xi = alpha
line([xi xi], [min(ylim) yval], 'Color', 'r', 'LineStyle', '--');
text(xi, ypos, num2str(xi), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');
using my function findzeros
function x0 = findzeros(x, y)
%FINDZEROS find location of zero crossings with interpolation
% X0 = FINDZEROS(X, Y) finds location X0 of zero crossings of function
% Y = f(X) given by vectors X and Y, with interpolation.
% Thorsten.Hansen@psychol.uni-giessen.de 2016-01-21
% solution adapted from
% http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/118921-fast-location-of-zero-crossings-with-interpolation
% sample data
if nargin == 0
x = 1:0.2:2e5;
y = sin(x);
%noise = -0.03 + (0.06).*rand(size(clean));
%y = y + noise;
x = x(1:100); y = y(1:100);
% find position of zero crossings
ind_y0 = find(diff(y>0) ~= 0);
% originall solution
% ind_y0 = find(y .* circshift(y,[0 1]) < 0); % add - 1 to match my
% ind_y0 used above
N = numel(ind_y0); % number of zero crossings
x0 = nan(1,N); % preallocate for speed
% interpolate zeros
for i = 1:N
%ixrng = y0(i)-2:y0(i)+2;% non-symmetric surround in original solution
ind_y0i = ind_y0(i):ind_y0(i) + 1;
X = x(ind_y0i);
Y = y(ind_y0i);
b = [ones(size(X)); X]'\Y';
x0(i) = -b(1)/b(2);
% find zeros at the first and last position
if y(1) == 0, x0 = [x(1) x0]; end
if y(end) == 0, x0 = [x0 x(end)]; end
if nargout == 0
plot(x, y, 'o-')
vlines(x0, 'Color', 'r')
clear x0

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