Using JIDE GUI components in MATLAB

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Dhanya 2016년 1월 6일
댓글: Dhanya 2019년 1월 11일
Hi ,
We are having a tool developed using MATLAB. Those of us who are working on MATLAB uses the floating license available within our organization.
Now we are working on some advanced GUI enhancement to have a filterable checkbox tree. We found some of the JIDE components to be useful and also find the appropriate filterable checkbox tree implementation. We observed that along with the MATLAB distribution ( both the compiler version as well as the MATLAB Runtime Environment) the JIDE GUI framework is available by default.
Since they are available, can we use the JIDE components for our tool development based on MATLAB without any further license obligations? Please advise.
Thanks, Dhanya

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 1월 6일
At the MATLAB command prompt, use
and read what is there. It gets complicated in places.
Generally speaking, if you use a component provided with base MATLAB in an executable that you compile using MATLAB Compiler or MATLAB Coder, and you do not distribute the source form of anything that Mathworks provides, then you will not owe any royalties, and will be free to distribute provide you meet any restrictions about distributing MCR itself.
If you were to use source of a Mathworks provided component for something outside of MATLAB Compiler or MATLAB Coder, then you might well run into difficulty.
If you distribute your own source that calls a Mathworks provided component and do not distribute the component (so it would only be usable by people with a MATLAB license), then you would be fine.
Note: the above is my understanding, and you really need to read the license terms. I am not a lawyer, I don't work for Mathworks, I don't speak for Mathworks, etc., etc..

추가 답변 (1개)

Dhanya 2016년 1월 8일
편집: Walter Roberson 2016년 1월 8일
Hi Walter,
Thank you for the response. I checked with the JIDE sales team and I got a confirmation from them that if we are creating a MATLAB based application using JIDE components, then we need to obtain a commercial license from them. The JIDE components cannot be used free of cost.
  댓글 수: 2
Peter Antal
Peter Antal 2019년 1월 10일
Hi Dhanya,
Does it pertain to all source codes (private use or distributed) that contain direct JIDA calls or only to ones that you distribute to others?
Dhanya 2019년 1월 11일
HI Peter,
Our's is a MATLAB based application that we distribute to our internal as well as external customers (source code not distributed). We were not allowed to use JIDE without their license.
You can check with the JIDE sales team for your use case.

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