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webread with authentication returns HTTP error 400

조회 수: 16 (최근 30일)
Mark Morehead
Mark Morehead 2015년 12월 30일
댓글: Aminu bugaje 2020년 3월 19일
I am attempting to use webread to download data from a REST web service that uses authentication. I am having problems and I think it is with the authentication. I can put the following into a web browser and get the data I want to appear in the browser:
I get a successful token like: 9fab1c9fee2a18bd6c2b889595d61131. Then I put the following into the web browser
This gives me the data that I expect (a text file in the web browser). I turn this into Matlab code:
usr = 'dummyname';
pwd = 'dummypassword';
url = 'http://dummyserver/AQUARIUS/Publish/AquariusPublishRestService.svc';
dat = '/GetTimeSeriesData?dataId=QRiv.Derived-Working-DayMean@13235000%20S%20Fk%20Payette%20Riv%20at%20Lowman,%20ID&view=Public&queryFrom=2014-09-01&queryTo=2014-09-02';
urltok = [ url, '/GetAuthToken?user=', usr, '&encPwd=', pwd ];
tok = webread( urltok )
tok = 8cef334c4b48f452634fdf3ee8208a4b % this works
urldat = [ url, dat, '&tok=', tok ]
data = webread([ urldat ]) % *this does not work*
And I get the following response from the last webread()
Error using readContentFromWebService (line 46)
The server returned the message: "Bad Request" for URL,
(with HTTP response code 400).
Error in webread (line 122)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = readContentFromWebService(connection, options);
Error in get_aquarius_test (line 51)
data = webread([ urldat ])
From what I have read the 400 error code means that the request was malformed. However, I can't figure out what is malformed about the request.
Can anyone tell me how to check what Matlab is actually sending to the server so I can try to determine how it is malformed? Or can you give me other advise on how to solve this.
Other information: The Aquarius server is internal to my company and is on our own computers. I have tried different web browsers and they all seem to work fine, just Matlab has the problem. The Aquarius server stores hydrologic information and is from http://aquaticinformatics.com/.
  댓글 수: 3
Mark Morehead
Mark Morehead 2016년 4월 12일
No. I got busy solving other problems. I need to get back to this at some point.
Luis Galindo
Luis Galindo 2017년 4월 14일
Any answers to this yet?

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답변 (1개)

Tushar Athawale
Tushar Athawale 2016년 1월 4일
Please specify the parameters for your URL using "weboptions" in MATLAB. For example, you will need to call "webread" as follows:
>> options = weboptions;
>> options.Username = '<username>';
>> options.Password = '<password>';
>> options.ContentType = 'json';
>> options.RequestMethod = 'Get';
>> URL = 'https://domain.com/path/to/data';
>> response = webread(URL, options)
  댓글 수: 4
YH 2018년 1월 28일
편집: YH 2018년 1월 28일
Similar to above approach would be to pass in the access token to HeaderFields. I had similar issue using Oauth2 and the below worked:
headerFields = {'Authorization', ['Bearer ', access_token]};
options = weboptions('HeaderFields', headerFields, 'ContentType','json');
data = webread(url, options);
Aminu bugaje
Aminu bugaje 2020년 3월 19일
data_forecast = webread('https://api.solcast.com.au/world_pv_power/estimated_actuals?latitude=-0.436791&longitude=34.206028&capacity=30&tilt=12&azimuth=0&loss_factor=0.9&format=csv&api_key=Q7pW-PeeTU6yYc3yHd3MwWNOJf627_Hc')

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