clc and helpdesk botched in 2015a

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
AwedBy Matlab
AwedBy Matlab 2015년 12월 21일
댓글: AwedBy Matlab 2015년 12월 31일
Hi everyone
My copy of Matlab (2015a) has been acting strangely as of late. These two symptoms may have a common cause, which I haven't been able to identify:
1) the "clc" command does not clear the command window (nor does it produce any error)
2) helpdesk does not start (produces error "Unable to run the 'helpdesk' command, because it is not supported for this product offering." even though it used to work so is clearly already installed); similarly, right-clicking a Matlab keyword and choosing Help does nothing
I've cleared the path using restoredefaultpath, and also tried the following command suggested on a different thread: com.mathworks.mlwidgets.html.HtmlComponentFactory.setDefaultType('HTMLRENDERER');
For problem 1) there is a clear hint from this error that I get upons starting Matlab: Warning: Function clc has the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function to avoid a potential name conflict.
But there is no other clc.m aside from the default one under \toolbox\matlab\iofun\. Removing all path entries from the Set Path window (Ctrl+A followed by Remove) does not work (nothing happens, I can only remove one by one and there are too many entries), and manually editing pathdef.m leads to matlab startup errors.
Can anyone suggest what else I can try? Thanks!
  댓글 수: 1
AwedBy Matlab
AwedBy Matlab 2015년 12월 31일
Would really appreciate any thoughts with this, many thanks in advance!

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답변 (1개)

Ilham Hardy
Ilham Hardy 2015년 12월 21일
1) Try
which clc
to identify copy of clc function,
2. Use
instead of
  댓글 수: 2
AwedBy Matlab
AwedBy Matlab 2015년 12월 21일
1) this returns C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015a\toolbox\matlab\connector\connector\jsd_lcl_nmw\shadow\clc.p , so clearly something got tangled, but not sure how it did, and how to fix it!
2) doc doesn't do anything, just returns me to the command prompt..
AwedBy Matlab
AwedBy Matlab 2015년 12월 24일
Hi Ilham Hardy , please let me know if you have any other thoughts about this, many thanks

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