Counting equal numbers that appear directly next to each other

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Menno Martens
Menno Martens 2015년 12월 11일
답변: Image Analyst 2015년 12월 12일
I'm trying to achieve this for a while now but I can't figure out to do this in an easy and understandable way.. Imagine a 2D-matrix(e.g 30x30) containg ones and zeros. there is an inital position on one of the zeros in the matrix, this zero then becomes a 2. Now, if the 2 has any 0 above/below or left/right, make these zeros 3. then do the same for 3 and so on untill it reaches the boundary of the matrix(In this case the ouput is the smallest value it reaches the boundary with) or it cannot reach the boundary of the matrix(In that case the output =0)
This is essentially a shortest path finder for a labyrinth in a matrix of zeros and ones. where zeros represent an open path and ones the walls.
  댓글 수: 1
Kirby Fears
Kirby Fears 2015년 12월 11일
Try making a function that performs the first step (given a matrix with 1's, 0's, and a single 2 not on the boundary) and returns the matrix with 3's added where possible.
Then try adding recursion inside of your function (at the end).

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채택된 답변

Kirby Fears
Kirby Fears 2015년 12월 11일
function [maxVal,nSteps,m] = escapeMaze(m,wallVal)
mStartVal = max(m(:));
[m,status] = stepMaze(m,wallVal);
maxVal = max(m(:));
nSteps = maxVal - mStartVal;
if ~status,
maxVal = 0;
function [m,status] = stepMaze(m,wallVal)
status = true;
n = size(m,1);
mMax = max(m(:));
idx = find(m==mMax);
idxStep = idx + [-1,1,-n,n]';
idxStep = idxStep(m(idxStep)~=wallVal);
if isempty(idxStep),
warning('Maze cannot be escaped.');
status = false;
m(idxStep) = mMax+1;
modVals = mod(idxStep,n);
if ~any(idxStep>(numel(m)-n) | idxStep<=n ...
| modVals==1 | modVals==0),
m = stepMaze(m);
  댓글 수: 1
Menno Martens
Menno Martens 2015년 12월 11일
I eventually did it like this and also worked really well for me, thank you for the inspiration though
function maze_escape = maze(y,x,m)
if m(x,y) == 1
warning('knight not placed on an open spot')
m(x,y) = 2;
[r c] = find(m==2);
steps = 2;
while 1
[r c] = find(m==(steps));
rc = [r c];
if any(r == length(m)) || any(c == length(m)) || any(r == 1) || any(c == 1)
for i = 1:length(rc(:,1))
idx = rc(i,1);
idy = rc(i,2);
if m(idx+1,idy) == 0
m(idx+1,idy) = steps+1;
if m(idx-1,idy) == 0
m(idx-1,idy) = steps+1;
if m(idx,idy+1) == 0
m(idx,idy+1) = steps+1;
if m(idx,idy-1) == 0
m(idx,idy-1) = steps+1;
steps = steps + 1;
if ismember(steps,m(length(m),:)) || ismember(steps,m(:,length(m))) || ismember(steps,m(1,:)) || ismember(steps,m(:,1))
steps = steps-2
steps = 0

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

추가 답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015년 12월 12일


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