Excluding files with a certain keyword in them

조회 수: 40 (최근 30일)
Ibro Tutic
Ibro Tutic 2015년 11월 4일
댓글: Rena Berman 2021년 5월 6일
I am trying to get data from many CSV files, some of which are unneeded. These unneeded files all contain the word Composite (specifically _X0_00XX0_Composite.csv where X is a placeholder for some letter and 0 is a place holder for some number). Is there a way to tell my program to not attempt to read these files? The data is not needed and is not formatted for my program and I run into issues when trying to read the data. I assume it would be some sort of if statement, where it checks the file name for 'composite' and if true, I need it to break and continue scanning the other files. I assume I would need to put this piece of code as the first thing in the 3rd for loop.
clear all
close all
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%File Pathing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
projectdir = '\\frg1\shared\PerformanceCalibration\FieldPerformance\SAR Data\LoadProfile\SIM_LoadProfile_Dev\Processed\'; %Start here. or name an absolute directory
newdir = 'C:\Users\it58528\Desktop\Test';
folderinfo = dir(projectdir);
folderinfo = folderinfo([folderinfo.isdir]); %select only the directories
folderinfo = folderinfo(~ismember({folderinfo.name}, {'.', '..'})); %remove directories . and ..
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Digs for Files/Reads/Saves %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
for folderidx = 1 : length(folderinfo)
thisfolder = fullfile(projectdir, folderinfo(folderidx).name);
subfolderinfo = dir(thisfolder);
subfolderinfo = subfolderinfo([subfolderinfo.isdir]); %select only the directories
subfolderinfo = subfolderinfo(~ismember({subfolderinfo.name}, {'.', '..'})); %remove directories . and ..
folderidxi = folderinfo(folderidx).name;
newfolder = fullfile(newdir, folderidxi);
for subfolderidx = 1 : length(subfolderinfo)
subfolderi = subfolderinfo(subfolderidx).name;
thissubfolder = fullfile(thisfolder, subfolderi);
fileinfo = dir( fullfile(thissubfolder, '*.csv') );
newsubfolder = fullfile(newfolder, subfolderi);
for fileidx = 1 : length(fileinfo)
filenamei = fileinfo(fileidx).name;
thisfile = fullfile(thissubfolder, filenamei);
[filepath, basename] = fileparts(thisfile);
data = csvread(thisfile,5,2);
fileID = fopen(thisfile);
C=textscan(fileID,'%s %s %s %s');
PIN(fileidx).PIN = fileinfo(fileidx).name(1:13);
PIN(fileidx).serialnumber = C{1,4}{2,1};
PIN(fileidx).loadprofile = data(1:15,:);
PIN(fileidx).hours = sum(sum(PIN(fileidx).loadprofile,1));
PIN(fileidx).loadprofilepercent = PIN(fileidx).loadprofile./PIN(fileidx).hours;
PIN(fileidx).loadpercent = data(:,2);
PIN(fileidx).RPM = data(16,:);
loadprofilecolumn = find(PIN(fileidx).RPM>Resonance);
xSpeed = PIN(fileidx).RPM(loadprofilecolumn(1)-1);
newfilename = fullfile(newsubfolder, filename);
save(newfilename,'PIN'); %%%%FIX
end %files within subfolder
end %subfolders within folder
end %folders
  댓글 수: 2
Stephen23 2020년 12월 26일
Original question by Ibro Tutic on 4th of November 2015 retrieved from Google Cache:
Excluding files with a certain keyword in them
I am trying to get data from many CSV files, some of which are unneeded. These unneeded files all contain the word Composite (specifically _X0_00XX0_Composite.csv where X is a placeholder for some letter and 0 is a place holder for some number). Is there a way to tell my program to not attempt to read these files? The data is not needed and is not formatted for my program and I run into issues when trying to read the data. I assume it would be some sort of if statement, where it checks the file name for 'composite' and if true, I need it to break and continue scanning the other files. I assume I would need to put this piece of code as the first thing in the 3rd for loop.
clear all
close all
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%File Pathing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
projectdir = '\\frg1\shared\PerformanceCalibration\FieldPerformance\SAR Data\LoadProfile\SIM_LoadProfile_Dev\Processed\'; %Start here. or name an absolute directory
newdir = 'C:\Users\it58528\Desktop\Test';
folderinfo = dir(projectdir);
folderinfo = folderinfo([folderinfo.isdir]); %select only the directories
folderinfo = folderinfo(~ismember({folderinfo.name}, {'.', '..'})); %remove directories . and ..
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Digs for Files/Reads/Saves %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
for folderidx = 1 : length(folderinfo)
thisfolder = fullfile(projectdir, folderinfo(folderidx).name);
subfolderinfo = dir(thisfolder);
subfolderinfo = subfolderinfo([subfolderinfo.isdir]); %select only the directories
subfolderinfo = subfolderinfo(~ismember({subfolderinfo.name}, {'.', '..'})); %remove directories . and ..
folderidxi = folderinfo(folderidx).name;
newfolder = fullfile(newdir, folderidxi);
for subfolderidx = 1 : length(subfolderinfo)
subfolderi = subfolderinfo(subfolderidx).name;
thissubfolder = fullfile(thisfolder, subfolderi);
fileinfo = dir( fullfile(thissubfolder, '*.csv') );
newsubfolder = fullfile(newfolder, subfolderi);
for fileidx = 1 : length(fileinfo)
filenamei = fileinfo(fileidx).name;
thisfile = fullfile(thissubfolder, filenamei);
[filepath, basename] = fileparts(thisfile);
data = csvread(thisfile,5,2);
fileID = fopen(thisfile);
C=textscan(fileID,'%s %s %s %s');
PIN(fileidx).PIN = fileinfo(fileidx).name(1:13);
PIN(fileidx).serialnumber = C{1,4}{2,1};
PIN(fileidx).loadprofile = data(1:15,:);
PIN(fileidx).hours = sum(sum(PIN(fileidx).loadprofile,1));
PIN(fileidx).loadprofilepercent = PIN(fileidx).loadprofile./PIN(fileidx).hours;
PIN(fileidx).loadpercent = data(:,2);
PIN(fileidx).RPM = data(16,:);
loadprofilecolumn = find(PIN(fileidx).RPM>Resonance);
xSpeed = PIN(fileidx).RPM(loadprofilecolumn(1)-1);
newfilename = fullfile(newsubfolder, filename);
save(newfilename,'PIN'); %%%%FIX
end %files within subfolder
end %subfolders within folder
end %folders
Rena Berman
Rena Berman 2021년 5월 6일
(Answers Dev) Restored edit

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채택된 답변

TastyPastry 2015년 11월 4일
편집: TastyPastry 2015년 11월 4일
Assuming you have the file name as a variable, I'll use myName:
myName = lower(myName);
idx = strfind(str,'composite');
if ~isempty(idx)
%do nothing
%do something
You need to find if 'Composite' is in the file name. strfind() returns the indices where it finds the match as a vector, if it doesn't find anything, it returns the empty vector. If you check whether or not the vector is empty, you can check whether or not 'Composite' is in the file name. I used lower() because strfind() is case sensitive. If case matters, you can just ignore the line
myName = lower(myName);
  댓글 수: 1
Ibro Tutic
Ibro Tutic 2015년 11월 4일
편집: Ibro Tutic 2015년 11월 4일
Cool, thanks. In your example, if the filename did contain composite, how would I go about breaking the current operation and moving onto the next file? Would I replace %do something with break? How would this fit into my above code? Would I need to put the majority of the contents of the 3rd for loop where %do something currently is? I tried that and none of the files got read.

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