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How to convert 2d images to a 3d image (MRI)?

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
Ivan Shorokhov
Ivan Shorokhov 2015년 10월 27일
답변: kian ghotbi 2018년 10월 12일
Hello everybody,
I have MRI scan file with 9 slices...how can I make a 3d image with this 9 slices?
Here the data I have (Aspect,ImageOrientation,ImagePosition):
I have used the following code and I got an error:
load data.mat
im = data(1).Img;
for i = 1 : size(im,2)
for j = 1 : size(im,1)
di = data(1).Aspect(1);
dj = data(1).Aspect(2);
Xxyz = data(1).ImageOrientation(1:3);
Yxyz = data(1).ImageOrientation(4:6);
Sxyz = data(1).ImagePosition;
X(i,j) = Xxyz(1)*di*(i-1) + Yxyz(1)*dj*(j-1) + Sxyz(1);
Y(i,j) = Xxyz(2)*di*(i-1) + Yxyz(2)*dj*(j-1) + Sxyz(2);
Z(i,j) = Xxyz(3)*di*(i-1) + Yxyz(3)*dj*(j-1) + Sxyz(3);
imReal.X = X;
imReal.Y = Y;
imReal.Z = Z;
surf(imReal.X', imReal.Y', imReal.Z', double(im), 'EdgeColor', 'none'); hold on;
Error using surf (line 69)
Data dimensions must agree.
Error in TestTwoDtoThreeD (line 24)
surf(imReal.X', imReal.Y', imReal.Z', double(im), 'EdgeColor', 'none'); hold on;
Thanks in advance and I greatly appreciate your help, the data is attached!
@Walter Roberson and @Image Analyst
  댓글 수: 5
Ivan Shorokhov
Ivan Shorokhov 2015년 11월 2일
편집: Ivan Shorokhov 2015년 11월 2일
@Image Analyst
So what I have is:
% Orientation: The most prominent image volume orientation
% Aspect: The pixel spacing in all 3 directions
% ImageOrientation: The direction cosines (compare DICOM standard)
% ImagePosition: The coordinates of the upper left corner of
% each image slice (compare DICOM standard)
The data is correct, according to clinicians, but in the current data I have replaced original Cardiac MRI's with single brain snapshot image, as I'm not allowed to disclose original images.
Ivan Shorokhov
Ivan Shorokhov 2015년 11월 2일
편집: Ivan Shorokhov 2015년 11월 2일
Here is the code for solving my problem:
If anyone found this question useful please vote for it.
clc; clear all; close all;
loaded = load('data.mat');
for ni = 1:size(loaded.data,2);
topl = 1;
topr = 2;
botl = 3;
botr = 4;
X = 1;
Y = 2;
Z = 3;
fighandle = [];
transparency = 1;
%save the current path
%%Read DICOM header and image data
% dinfo= dicominfo( dicom_filename ); %
% imdata = dicomread( dicom_filename ); % loaded.data(1).Img
imdata = loaded.data(ni).Img;
%%Calculate slice corner positions from the DICOM header info
% Get the top left corner position in XYZ coordinates
%pos = dinfo.ImagePositionPatient; % loaded.data(ni).ImagePosition
pos = loaded.data(ni).ImagePosition;
% nc = double(dinfo.Columns);
% nr = double(dinfo.Rows);
nc = size(imdata,1);
nr = size(imdata,2);
% Get the row and column direction vercors in XYZ coordinates
row_dircos(X) = loaded.data(ni).ImageOrientation(1);
row_dircos(Y) = loaded.data(ni).ImageOrientation(2);
row_dircos(Z) = loaded.data(ni).ImageOrientation(3);
col_dircos(X) = loaded.data(ni).ImageOrientation(4);
col_dircos(Y) = loaded.data(ni).ImageOrientation(5);
col_dircos(Z) = loaded.data(ni).ImageOrientation(6);
% % Check normality and orthogonality of the row and col vectors
% Crownorm = dot(row_dircos, row_dircos);
% Ccolnorm = dot(col_dircos, col_dircos);
% Cdotprod = dot(row_dircos, col_dircos);
% if abs(Cdotprod) > 1e-5
% warnstr = sprintf('Possible dicominfo error: the dotproduct of the row and col vectors is %f should be 0',Cdotprod );
% disp(warnstr)
% end
% Calculate image dimensions
% row_length = dinfo.PixelSpacing(1) * nr;% loaded.data(ni).Aspect(1)
% col_length = dinfo.PixelSpacing(2) * nc;% loaded.data(ni).Aspect(2)
row_length = loaded.data(ni).Aspect(1) * nr;% loaded.data(ni).Aspect(1)
col_length = loaded.data(ni).Aspect(2) * nc;% loaded.data(ni).Aspect(2)
%%Set up the corner positions matrix in XYZ coordinates
% Top Left Hand Corner
corners( topl, X) = pos(X);
corners( topl, Y) = pos(Y);
corners( topl, Z) = pos(Z);
% Top Right Hand Corner
corners( topr, X) = pos(X) + row_dircos(X) * row_length;
corners( topr, Y) = pos(Y) + row_dircos(Y) * row_length;
corners( topr, Z) = pos(Z) + row_dircos(Z) * row_length;
% Bottom Left Hand Corner
corners( botl, X) = pos(X) + col_dircos(X) * col_length;
corners( botl, Y) = pos(Y) + col_dircos(Y) * col_length;
corners( botl, Z) = pos(Z) + col_dircos(Z) * col_length;
% Bottom Right Hand Corner
corners( botr, X) = pos(X) + row_dircos(X) * row_length + col_dircos(X) * col_length;
corners( botr, Y) = pos(Y) + row_dircos(Y) * row_length + col_dircos(Y) * col_length;
corners( botr, Z) = pos(Z) + row_dircos(Z) * row_length + col_dircos(Z) * col_length;
%%Prepare the figure
% Select active figure, set hold on to alow multiple slices in one figure
colormap( gray );
hold on;
%Tidy up the figure
% set aspect ratio
daspect( [1,1,1]);
set( gca, 'color', 'none')
%%Display slice
% normalize image data
imdata = double( imdata );
imdata = imdata / max( imdata(:));
% scale the image
I = imdata*255;
% create an alternative matrix for corner points
A( 1,1 , 1:3 ) = corners( topl, : );
A( 1,2 , 1:3 ) = corners( topr, : );
A( 2,1 , 1:3 ) = corners( botl, : );
A( 2,2 , 1:3 ) = corners( botr, : );
% extract the coordinates for the surfaces
x = A( :,:,X );
y = A( :,:,Y );
z = A( :,:,Z );
% plot surface
surfh = surface('XData',x,'YData',y,'ZData',z,...
'CData', I,...
%set transparency level
set( surfh, 'FaceAlpha', transparency );
% label axes and optimize figure
axis tight
%%Optional: rotate to show all
% edit this to create a movie
do_movie = 0;
show_rotate = 1;
if do_movie
% open avifile
aviobj = avifile('slice3Drotate.avi');
show_rotate = 1;
if show_rotate
% tilt and rotate
el = 22;
for azplus = 0:10:360
az = mod( 45+azplus, 360);
view( [az, el] );
if do_movie
% add farem to the movie
frame = getframe(fh);
aviobj = addframe(aviobj,frame);
% needed to see the intemediate steps
if do_movie
% close avifile
close( aviobj );

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답변 (1개)

kian ghotbi
kian ghotbi 2018년 10월 12일
hi, what is version of your matlab?


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