- You either want to set the units of the axes also to normalized, before setting the position of figure
- or you want to set the SizeChangedFcn of the figure and handle there what you want to do
Enlarge figure in MATLAB
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
I want to create figure that is enlarged, I use:
fig = figure(1);
set (fig, 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0,0,1,1]);
The dialogue is enlarged. What should I do if I also want the graph inside this dialogue also enlarged? Although I can use "zoom in" and "pan" in the dialogue to enlarge and reposition my graph I want this be done automatically by codes.
Update of my question:
I am trying to plot 3D block which the value is represented by color of each small unit block: clear; close all; clc;
fig = figure(1);
set (fig, 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0,0,1,1]);
fig_color='w'; fig_colordef='white';
cMap=jet(256); %set the colomap using the "jet" scale
NumBoxX=100;%box number in x direction
NumBoxY=100;%box number in y direction
NumBoxZ=5;%box number in z direction
fid = fopen('Stress.dat','r');
datacell = textscan(fid, '%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f');
all_data = cell2mat(datacell);
for i=1:NumBoxX for j=1:NumBoxY for k=1:NumBoxZ num=k+NumBoxZ*(j-1)+NumBoxZ*NumBoxY*(i-1); M(i,j,k)=all_data(num,4); %the forth column of all_data is dislocation density end end end
[F,V,C]=ind2patch(indPatch,M,'v'); %Call the function ind2patch in order to plot 3D cube with color
zlabel('z','fontsize',20); hold on;
axis equal; view(3); axis tight; axis vis3d; grid off;
colormap(cMap); caxis([min(M(:)) max(M(:))]);
cb = colorbar;
set(get(cb,'title'),'string','Stress (MPa)','fontsize',20);
lbpos = get(cb,'title'); % get the handle of the colorbar title
댓글 수: 3
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