Timestamp not converting to a string

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
saadatnk8 2015년 10월 22일
댓글: dpb 2015년 10월 22일
I imported data from excel which has timestamps, i.e. just time for example '7:01 PM' as a matlab number. However, I'm using the datestr() function to convert the matlab date number to a string and I am getting the following error.
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Error in formatdate (line 158)
month = char(strrep(month(dtvector(:,2)), '.', '')); %remove period
Error in dateformverify (line 32)
S = char(formatdate([y,mo,d,h,minute,s],dateformstr,islocal));
Error in datestr (line 194)
S = dateformverify(dtnumber, dateformstr, islocal);
This is the code that I used
a = datestr(PM10data.Time);
However, if I use a specific value in the dataset, say a = datestr(PM10data.Time(391)) the code works. Please help me fix this.
I have attached the .mat file which has all the timestamps

답변 (1개)

dpb 2015년 10월 22일
Given the error and that load returned a double array, what follows was a logical next step--
>> load timestamps.mat
>> all(isfinite(Time))
ans =
>> any(isnan(Time))
ans =
>> sum(isnan(Time))
ans =
>> Time(isnan(Time))=[]; % ok, so remove those and...
>> ts=datestr(Time); % now completes as expected...
  댓글 수: 1
dpb 2015년 10월 22일
Of course, this doesn't answer the question as to how you generated the NaN entries, of course; you'll have to research that issue.

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