speech signal from Microphone USB
조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
hi , i have question . In matlab , can i take online speech signal from Microphone USB and use it in my code at same time ?? can do that ?????
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답변 (3개)
Chirag Gupta
2011년 12월 21일
Try this: http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/audiorecorder.html. If you want to record analog data from your soundcard, you should also look at Data Acquisition Toolbox!
댓글 수: 5
Walter Roberson
2011년 12월 22일
You would be able to output sound to a device, but DAT does not itself provide routines to read recorded sounds.
With the toolbox you can configure data acquisition hardware and read data into MATLAB and Simulink® for immediate analysis. You can also send out data over analog and digital output channels provided by data acquisition hardware.
Daniel Shub
2011년 12월 28일
Depends what you mean by "same time." There is going to be a few milliseconds of latency. I would look at the MATLAB based port audio implementations. There are playrec and pa-wavplay (I am not sure i the latter handles input). My preference is for the audio part of the psychtoolbox http://docs.psychtoolbox.org/PsychPortAudio
댓글 수: 22
Walter Roberson
2020년 8월 12일
You just might be able to continue using imageInputLayer, but instead of an image of a spectrogram, you would pass it the array of specs data
Hamza Ashraf
2020년 8월 13일
From my data fucntion it can be seen that am passing the array of specs and labels but still am not getting acurate results
Gabriele Bunkheila
2020년 8월 24일
I work at MathWorks and I have just noticed this so I thought I'd drop a note.
I understad from your question that you were looking to process the acquired audio live (aka in "real time", or "in the loop") using a standard sound card. In all such situations we recommend looking first at audioDeviceReader and audioDeviceWriter in Audio Toolbox, which were specifically designed with that use case in mind.
The doc page below should help you get started and it includes a few links to additional resources:https://www.mathworks.com/help/audio/gs/audio-input-and-audio-output.html
Another useful page full with code examples and explanations can be found below:https://www.mathworks.com/help/audio/gs/real-time-audio-in-matlab.html
Thanks and good luck with your project.
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