standard deviation of image

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Hassan 2011년 12월 9일
I have a 3-dimensional image (image1) and a 2-dimensional image (image2) with values from 1 to 7 and want to find the standard deviation for specific values. I'm using the following code to calculate the mean value but dont know how to calculate the standard deviation. Any suggestion please?
for i=1:3
for j=1:7
L = bwlabel(image2==j);
STATS = regionprops(L,x,'MeanIntensity','Area','PixelValues');
n_stats = size(STATS,1);
[m1,n1] = find(cat(1,STATS.Area) >=5);
for ii=1:n_stats

답변 (2개)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011년 12월 9일
You can use regionprops to calculate the various fields requested of each label in a label image, e.g.:
A = uint8(rand(10)*10); %random label image
STATS = regionprops(A,'area');
areas = [STATS(:).Area]
And I don't understand what you want the standard deviation of. If youu want it of all objects with the same value, won't it be zero? Clarify your goal, I guess. (and look at stdfilt)
  댓글 수: 4
Hassan 2011년 12월 10일
Thanks Sean for the comment. As I said I have 2 images, image 1 is a 3-dimensional image and image 2 is a categorised 2-dimensional image with values 1 to 7. I want to find the standard deviation of the pixels values from image 1 that has a value of 1 (and then 2, 3,4 ,..,7) in image 2.
Hassan 2011년 12월 10일
Sorry guys for not desribing the problem clearly. You are right Walter 'Each of the areas in the 2D image acts as a mask to be applied to the 3D image.'
thats right Image Analyst.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2011년 12월 9일
I don't have MATLAB on this computer so I can't test but I believe it would be something like
pixelValues = [STATS(k).PixelValues];
sd = std(pixelValues(:)); % StDev of kth blob
or something like that.
  댓글 수: 3
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2011년 12월 10일
That's the kth region. You'd have it in a loop over all k, all possible blob numbers, like
[labeledImage, numberOfBlobs] = bwlabel(binaryImage, grayImage, 'PixelValues');
sd = zeros(1, numberOfBlobs);
for k = 1 : numberOfBlobs
pixelValues = [STATS(k).PixelValues];
sd(k) = std(pixelValues(:)); % StDev of kth blob
Hassan 2011년 12월 10일
I couldnt run the code. I got the following error messageç
??? Error using ==> bwlabel
Too many input arguments.
I think binary image should be the 2'dimensional categorized image and gray image should be the 3'dimensional image.
[labeledImage, numberOfBlobs] = bwlabel(image 2, image 1, 'PixelValues');
sd = zeros(1, numberOfBlobs);
for k = 1 : numberOfBlobs
pixelValues = [STATS(k).PixelValues];
sd(k) = std(pixelValues(:)); % StDev of kth blob

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