Source Control in MATLAB R2015a

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Tuyen Tran
Tuyen Tran 2015년 8월 15일
답변: James Wiken 2015년 8월 17일
Hello, I've just updated to MATLAB 2015a and noticed that it has integrated source control (git, svn) which is quite handy.
I'm a git user. I found that every time I want to do a push, i.e., right-click on 'current folder' tab --> Source Control --> Push, a dialog pops up asking for "Username" and "Password" of my remote repository.
Is there anyway I can set permanently my username and password associated with my repo?

답변 (1개)

James Wiken
James Wiken 2015년 8월 17일
Hi, I work for MathWorks. It looks like the feature you are asking about does not currently exist. I have forwarded this idea to our developers. They will take it under consideration for future versions of MATLAB.


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